Treatment with the acupuncture, real or false, it can help cure sick pungung, so write a Reuters article that was released.
In any posts that mentioned, acupuncture help many people who mernderita back pain, compared to treatment with other standard way, either by using the "toothpick" (toothpick) or "real needle (needle), said the researchers from the United States, in a study that the way of acupuncture.
Some patients feel the benefits of using a treatment in a period of one year, said the research team that reported on the "Archives of Internal Medicine."
"The study shows that we do not need to thrust your hand on some one to get the same effect," said Dr. Daniel Cherkin of Group Health Center for Health Studies in Seattle, who led the study.
According to history, some type of acupuncture has been thrust without using a needle. As with any treatment that include elements of psychological effects that make a difference clinically, "said Karen Sherman of Group Health who participated in work study, time to give a statement.
The team handles 638 patients with chronic diseases in the spine is divided into several groups, namely the two groups receiving treatment with acupuncture needles and a few other groups with a toothpick. Currently only one other group to use standard medical treatment.
After eight weeks, almost 60 percent of each patient using two types of acupuncture treatment is reported that the increased recovery of function in accordance significant, but no significant difference whether acupuncture type needle or toothpick is used.
Bagimanapun how they work together. The researchers say the acupuncture treatment is relatively safe and easy way is to reduce pain in the back, especially when their own traditional medicine has failed, so the researchers
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