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Want More Baby Healthy? Use Music Only!

. Sabtu, 30 Mei 2009
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Jakarta Music not only can entertain. For babies, music has a big enough benefit. For example, improving their health. A research membuktikannya.

Music can improve heart and respiratory tap a new born baby. Music also can be used to reduce the pain of the baby.

A study detikhot a quotation from the Telegraph, on Thursday (28/5/2009) revealed that music can help the heart pump oxygen to the baby's entire body.

The researchers Dr Manoj Kumar, from the University of Alberta, Canada revealed that music can alleviate the suffering of a baby who was born premature at given medical action. According to the music far better than the drugs less pain.

In addition, with the music, the baby became more calm. Their growth further. in premature babies, adding their weight to become

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