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New Condoms for Women Not noisy time use

. Sabtu, 30 Mei 2009
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NEW YORK, for women, a cheaper, more users, easier to use (friendly), it will be more effective in fighting HIV / AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases.

Female condom was introduced to have started since 1993, but until now still be used simply to prevent pregnancy. Female condom is not dikampanyekan for the prevention of HIV / AIDS and STDs, so that the level of use is still very small.

The situation seems to be changed immediately, followed by female condom disetujuinya new production version of Female Health Co., months ago by the FDA. Female condom use is a new version of the so-called FC2.

Around 35 million female condoms were distributed to the world years ago, but the amount is very small if compared to more than 10 million male condoms. First the price of male condoms are cheaper. Also how to use them more easily. The problem, many men in the countries of the risk of HIV / AIDS is high reject the use of condoms.

Although both have the same nature, ie, soft, transparent, FC2 made from synthetic rubber, not Polyurethane. With a synthetic rubber material, the production costs become cheaper FC2.

Former President of Female Health Co., Mary Ann Leeper, who is now a strategy adviser stated, FC2 does not cause the noise when in use. Please note, that the complaint against the noise that is the female condom, which caused the old version received less the women themselves.

With the cost of production that only a third of previous versions, FC2 can be expected terdistribusi far more than now. For now, the price of female condoms are about 60 cents U.S. dollars, far more expensive than male condoms is 4 cents.

How about FC2? Female condom is a new version is said to have received various international organizations. Female Health Co. years ago even have to sell to the world as much as 14 million.

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