NOT talking out of the Singapore flu, the threat came from the new flu pigs. Fear appears, it will swallow the victim more than 80 Mexican citizens into this pandemic the world? Mewabahnya flu pigs (swine flu) in Mexico since mid-April to become the hottest issue in the various mass media at this time.
Not fail, the government and the people around the world as well as a standby worry, this will spread to become a global problem such as when a flu pandemic killed millions of people around the world in 1918, 1957, and 1968?
Menginfeksi after more than a thousand Mexican citizens and 10 people in the United States, the WHO that the outbreak of swine flu pandemic potential into the world. However, it is too early to draw conclusions, and the government in various countries call for people to remain calm and not panic.
What and how to actually pig flu? How can anyone with a normal flu, bird flu, or flu is not yet old Singapore is also a focus in Indonesia?
Flu, the Beda-Coughing Colds
People often incorrectly use the term flu kaprah to describe the symptoms of a cold. In fact, according to the tuberculosis specialist from the Department of Medical Science and Pulmonologi respiration FKUI Jakarta dr Dianiati Kusumo Sutoyo SPP (K), cough, runny nose that is known in the community is a disease of respiratory virus infection is not dangerous.
"In the medical world, this phenomenon is known by the term common cold," sebutnya. Common cold is an infection of the channel on the breath because of the acute virus, with many variations in symptoms such as cough, nasal mucus thin and clear, sore throat, sneezing, watery eyes, nasal congestion. However, it is not accompanied by symptoms of severe muscle pain, high fever, let alone to vibrate.
The number of viruses cause common cold is highly variable, more than 200 species or strain (most frequent is the rhinovirus and coronavirus). This is different from the flu, because flu is short of influenza illness caused by influenza virus types A, B, or C.
The research found that virus-influenza virus that was not cause disease (pathogenic), bersirkulasi after some time on the farm population bermutasi can become a very contagious virus.
Pig flu, Hybrid Aneka Flu?
Flu pigs (swine flu) is a respiratory disease that commonly found in pigs of influenza A virus caused subtipe H1N1. This virus can be transmitted through animals, especially pigs, to mention that there is a possibility of transmission antarmanusia.
According to the Director General of Disease Control and Penyehatan Environment (P2PL) MOH Prof. Dr. Tjandra Yoga Aditama spp MARS, in general, swine flu this disease similar to influenza (influenza like illness / ili). Klinisnya Symptoms include fever, cough, runny nose, lethargic, tired, sore throat, shortness of breath or rapid breath, and sometimes accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
In the children, some conditions that should diwaspadai of them sooner or shortness of breath breath, skin kebiruan, reluctant to drink lots of fluids, slow response or not interactive, exacting, cough, runny nose, fever accompanied by redness in the skin (rash). As for the adults, in addition to the general clinical symptoms, if symptoms are difficulty breathing, short breath, pain or depression in the chest and stomach, sudden dizziness, confusion, and even accompanied by vomiting, should immediately ask for medical help.
H1N1 virus is usually found in humans and animals, especially pigs, but both have different characteristics. So also with the H5N1 bird flu virus, although equally influenza virus type A. How flu spread through the air, and pigs can also through direct contact with patients. The virus incubation period is 3-5 days range.
Head of Medical Division of the Ministry of Health, Australia, Professor Jim Bishop, said, not impossible that swine flu virus menginfeksi thousands of Mexican citizens are the result of hybridization (hybrid) between human flu, bird flu, and swine flu.
"We fear this will result in a hybrid new type of flu that will be more difficult to predict, and it seems there is a possibility of transmission antarmanusia," Bishop said as quoted AAP.
Singapore Flu
Singapore Flu is a disease in the world of medicine known as hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) or disease feet, hands and mouth (PKTM). Singapore called the flu because it seems initially brought into Indonesia by people new to travel or holiday abroad. PKTM disease is an infection caused by RNA viruses such as enterovirus and rhinovirus.
The disease is highly infectious and often occur in the summer with the virus incubation period of 2-5 days. Children age 2 months to 5 years most vulnerable infected. Some ordinary flu-like symptoms, ie fever, cough, cold, stiff, no appetite, and easily tired.
As is typical on a day-to-2 to-3 or a fever, arising sprue, broken in pieces lips, tongue and throat, red, and even the mouth area to blister or slimy. In addition, the skin arise The speck wide red, especially the feet, hands, mouth and mukosa. Nevertheless, this disease is usually not serious. With proper treatment, the patient will recover in 7-10 days.
Bird Flu
Respiratory disease in poultry (avian influenza) is known as bird flu infection is caused by influenza A virus subtipe H5N1. In general, klinisnya symptoms such as flu, in general, namely fever, cough, congested and sore throat, runny nose, muscle pain, headache, and weakness.
However, in a short time can worsen the condition of the occurrence of inflammation in the lungs (pneumonia), which if not done with good governance characteristic can culminate in death. Almost half the cases of bird flu in humans befall the children, especially under the age of 12 years infected with the most vulnerable.
Up to now, not found any scientific evidence of transmission of H5N1 antarmanusia. However, with environmental conditions such as at this time, it is not impossible bermutasi bird flu virus and cause the spread of human to human. (Koran SI / SI Koran / tty)
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