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origin of herbal medicine

. Kamis, 28 Mei 2009
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DEPOK, - Not many know that the origin of herbal medicine muasal term comes from the term 'spell-spell'. President Director of PT Martina Berto said Martha Tilaar, spell, incantation formula means that an element of magic.

"Then give shaman or shaman herb-herb with the spell-the spell dimohonkan to God to cure certain diseases," said Martha in the workshop program of study herbal Indonesia, Universitas Indonesia (UI) in Wisma Makara UI Depok, on Tuesday (26 / 5) .

Muasal origin because the term is considered to have magical reason, the development of herbal medicine products based inheritance ancestors get a negative response since 1970. However, Martha serious claim to remain in business use jamunya.

According to Martha, the herbal medicine in the present time is no longer glued to the understanding in the first period. Formula herbal medicine in the current period is simply given only to traditional materials or ingredients derived from plants, animals or minerals for treatment. To leave an impression long also, in some forum, the term is often replaced with herbal medicine Traditional Indian Medicine (TIM).

Chairman of the Working Group of the Ministry of complementary and Alternative Health Merdias Almatsier says, herbal medicine is considered in the herbal treatment, the treatment with the use of plant or materials that contain ekstraknya nutritious for the body, prevention or cure health increase.

Unlike the herbal terstandar and fitofarmaka also classified the herbal treatment, herbal medicine is not essentially through praklinik test or clinical test of raw material and not terstandardisasi.

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