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Without medicine, Headaches vanish

. Senin, 18 Mei 2009
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SOME nonfarmasi type of treatment such as physical exercise, exercise rileksasi, and Akupuntur can provide long-term cure to the headache sufferer strained muscle type (tension-type headaches).

Discontinuance of the analgesic important as the first step of therapy for headache taut nerves that often because the use of paregoric can even cause headaches become chronic.

Once Dr. Elisabeth Soderberg joint team from the Sahlgrenska Academy, Goteborg University, Sweden, reported the results of research in the journal Cephalalgia.

In research, the research team randomly ask 90 patients who on average have seven years experience headaches taut nerves, to the sports training, exercise rileksasi, or Akupuntur. Researchers mengategorikan headache taut nerves when chronic pain lasted at least 15 days in a month and take six months, respectively.

During the four weeks before treatment, patients are assigned to record the characteristics of the headaches they experienced. Recording was conducted continuously for four weeks training and continues until three and six months after treatment.

Use Akupuntur conducted in the dots using the recommended 10 to 12 needles, 30 minutes per week, for 10 to 12 weeks. Sports training focused on the shoulder musculature and neck, each for 100 times, and also added to the bicycle pedal ergonomik and peregangan.

While exercise rileksasi include respiratory exercises, techniques to control stress, and how to behave during beraktivitas and rileks in the day-to-day life.

The result, compared to earlier treatment, and training Akupuntur rileksasi significantly reduce the intensity of headache until three to six months. While reducing the intensity of physical exercise and even deliver some headache patients to six months. Soderberg and the team says, the best results can be obtained with a combination of a third technique.

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