CONSUMPTION additional supplements such as vitamins if necessary mengonsumsi less vegetables and fruit. The goal, to strengthen body resistance.
Activities such as go-a-morning, returning into the night routine capital kantoran workers at this time. And, to support the body's resistance so that the pain is not easy consumption supplements. This is done Pramitha Ayuningtias (24), the Deputy Secretary to the Director of a private bank in Jakarta. Pramitha the berkutat always working at the computer every day, often feel dizzy in the afternoon.
"I have low blood, so if enggak consumption supplements blood penambah default so lemes. So I consumption because the needs," said Mita, greeting familiar Pramitha that diligent mengonsumsi supplements.
Meanwhile, Anggun Prameswari (23), student of Faculty of Dentistry University Moestopo practices that are outside of the city's diligent consumption supplement every day. Because the resistance to keep the body so that pain is not easy.
"With a lot of this activity, I am among those who rarely breaks up. Be a health conscious and not easily hurt, I diligently Feed add supplements. Sugesti not know or feel is the dependence, since consumption supplements, I always feel healthy," said Anggun the diligent consumption supplement three years.
Has a healthy body that is longed for each person. Health that comes from the body not only obtained when the board is not treated properly. Product supplement the gathering popularity in the market and are often advertised on television to "consumption" day-to-day in order to obtain a high level of purchasing.
"Among the many benefits of the supplement, it said that if the correct supplements work to improve the body's resistance, provided that there must be rules for consumption," said the doctor as well as general medical coordinator in the Global Assistance & Healthcare, dr. Olivia Aviany Ayuningthias.
Olivia says, the supplements work as a food supplement is the way consumption wrong. Because it is a goodconsumption supplements needs to complete the day-to-day obtained from food.
Food supplements are all kinds of nutritious food is usually found in the form of a capsule, tablet, powder or syrup that is taken as additional food for lack of substance in the meet daily food.
A supplement can be vitamins, minerals, elements, or other nutritional substances, such as fatty acid, amino acids, and other essential substances. For example, fibers, including the nutritious ingredients, which are derived from nature.
The provision of supplements to children and adults, or between people with one other person who is very different. "The consumption of supplements vary in each person, depending on their needs. For example, if the Feed supplements that aim to maintain the body's resistance, it is not used for consumption at any time," said Olivia.
"If we want the body system made good, then all of Feed into the body must also be good also," said Guru Besar Food Science and Nutrition Bogor Agriculture Institute (IPB), Prof.. Dr. Ir. Ali Khomsan, Ms.
He said, the supplement is a nutritional product that is used to add something less than this food could be consumed, but if it really needed. "Supplements that have a lot of benefits, and can be seen from the type of suplemennya own and peruntukannya," said the science of nutrition as a lecturer, Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) is.
Ali ask, in certain circumstances the provision of supplements for children are recommended. Of them, children in pain or in recovery period. In this case, the necessary supplements to help replenish the oxygen gizinya. Especially if appetite not eat well. The provision of supplements are also recommended when the child's daily menu is less complete, or the child's appetite decreased.
Ali added, when the children turn the age of 4-5 years, they usually have problems eating difficult. This can disrupt the growth itself. Therefore, consumption supplement is recommended at that time.
Furthermore, the supplement is also needed for children who have a digestive disturbance, interruption of absorption experienced a certain vitamin. When it needs akan vitamin are high, and when children lose their vitamin excessive. "At times, the supplement may provide for the small," said Ali.
(Koran SI / SI Koran / tty)
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