DENPASAR, - Indonesia has around 9606 species of plants that contain high-savor for the procurement of natural medicines to cure various kinds of diseases that are free from side effects.
"Forest of tropical Indonesia are about 120 million hectares. The area was growing species that are known and trusted medication have any property that is not optimally utilized," said Prof. dr I Gusti Ngurah Nala's Studies Program Ayurweda Hindu University Faculty of Health Indonesia (UNHI) Denpasar, Sunday (24 / 5).
He said, sun light is available throughout the year with sufficient rainfall to enable the growth of party-type of plant medicines with good breeding.
"From thousands of medicinal plant species that have, until this time there is no definitive research on how many percent of them have been used to improve the health and welfare of the community," said Ngurah Nala who is also professor of Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University.
Prof. Nala add, Indonesia, which has thousands of medicinal plant species that have received a request from a number of countries will plant drugs in the form of simplisia, that is, the natural plant material in the dry that has not processed.
Demand is increasing every year and the conditions that encourage the investors who move in the field of pharmaceutical, traditional medicine and herbal medicine to catch the opportunity to develop and produce synthetic drugs, contains no chemical substances and side effects.
The majunya Iptek, making alternative forms of processing simplisia circulating in the market varies, among others, in the form of powder, tablet, pill, liquid capsule, salep and cream.
"Similarly, the product processed Indonesia penetrate export markets, including Singapore, Malaysia, Hongkong, Korea, Japan, Taiwan, India, Spain, and Germany," said Prof. Nala
9 Thousand Plant Drugs Still Need Developed
Label: Body HealthyOsculation, Caution are Cancer!
Jakarta couples kissed in the mouth is one way to love pouring desire pair. Smooch also often used for foreplay before continue to phase in a more.
Behind favors a kiss, there was a negative effect for the melakukannya. the studies in the Ohio State University, said that United States relations, such as oral osculation infection can increase the risk of human papilloma virus (HPV). HPV virus is a virus causes cancer, including cancer serviks.
Study involving 332 adults and 210 students. The result is 4.8% of adults and 2.9% of students infected with HPV related oral smell like for example the detikhot quotation from health24, Wednesday (27/05/09).
In the adult, the distribution of HPV occur in smokers and oral relations more than ten times. This is also the spread of HPV because of the students.
There are several ways mengindari HPV, such as the pattern of living healthy. Giving the vaccine at the age of 9 and 12 years can also avoid terinfeksinya HPV.
Want More Baby Healthy? Use Music Only!
Jakarta Music not only can entertain. For babies, music has a big enough benefit. For example, improving their health. A research membuktikannya.
Music can improve heart and respiratory tap a new born baby. Music also can be used to reduce the pain of the baby.
A study detikhot a quotation from the Telegraph, on Thursday (28/5/2009) revealed that music can help the heart pump oxygen to the baby's entire body.
The researchers Dr Manoj Kumar, from the University of Alberta, Canada revealed that music can alleviate the suffering of a baby who was born premature at given medical action. According to the music far better than the drugs less pain.
In addition, with the music, the baby became more calm. Their growth further. in premature babies, adding their weight to become
New Condoms for Women Not noisy time use
NEW YORK, for women, a cheaper, more users, easier to use (friendly), it will be more effective in fighting HIV / AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases.
Female condom was introduced to have started since 1993, but until now still be used simply to prevent pregnancy. Female condom is not dikampanyekan for the prevention of HIV / AIDS and STDs, so that the level of use is still very small.
The situation seems to be changed immediately, followed by female condom disetujuinya new production version of Female Health Co., months ago by the FDA. Female condom use is a new version of the so-called FC2.
Around 35 million female condoms were distributed to the world years ago, but the amount is very small if compared to more than 10 million male condoms. First the price of male condoms are cheaper. Also how to use them more easily. The problem, many men in the countries of the risk of HIV / AIDS is high reject the use of condoms.
Although both have the same nature, ie, soft, transparent, FC2 made from synthetic rubber, not Polyurethane. With a synthetic rubber material, the production costs become cheaper FC2.
Former President of Female Health Co., Mary Ann Leeper, who is now a strategy adviser stated, FC2 does not cause the noise when in use. Please note, that the complaint against the noise that is the female condom, which caused the old version received less the women themselves.
With the cost of production that only a third of previous versions, FC2 can be expected terdistribusi far more than now. For now, the price of female condoms are about 60 cents U.S. dollars, far more expensive than male condoms is 4 cents.
How about FC2? Female condom is a new version is said to have received various international organizations. Female Health Co. years ago even have to sell to the world as much as 14 million.
Understanding Sexual Disorders
Sexual function, according to experts, Prof. Dr. seksologi dr Wimpie Pangkahila, Sp.And, FAACS from the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University Bali, influenced by physical and psychological factors. If the second factor is good, also good sexual function.
Is the physical factor is not a disease, healthy life patterns, or there is no treatment available to support the function of organs. Meanwhile, factors such as psychological stress, saturation, and the atmosphere with a personal relationship pairings.
Well, what sexual harassment is often going?
1. On women:
- Sexual Disorders encouragement, for example, encouraged sexual hipoaktif and discomfort to the sexual activity.
- Sexual Disorders generation, namely the vagina pelendiran even less is simply inflame the situation.
- Not able or difficult to reach the orgasme time related sexual.
- Mental illness or not comfortable in the surrounding gender and sexual touch every time.
2. On men:
- Sexual Disorders encouragement, for example due to physical or psychological illness.
- Erectile Dysfunction, for example, suffer because diabetes melitus.
- Disturbance ejakulasi, namely ejakulasi early or even ejakulasi which obstructed.
- Disturbance orgasme, ie can not feel orgasme.
Here are some tips to prevent sexual harassment functions offered by Prof. Dr. dr Wimpie Pangkahila, Sp.And:
1. Always remember that the sexual life is public property and built with the pair.
2. Behave and talk openly is.
3. Keep body and soul health.
4. Avoid lifestyle is not healthy, such as smoking, stress, lack of sleep, eating patterns is not good, and not for sport.
5. Do not be tempted to use drugs / ingredients that are not clear and the content of indikasinya.
6. Keep a balance of rushing and rileksasi.
7. Always try to have special time with just two pair.
8. Do not do sexual things as routine.
origin of herbal medicine
Label: Drink healthDEPOK, - Not many know that the origin of herbal medicine muasal term comes from the term 'spell-spell'. President Director of PT Martina Berto said Martha Tilaar, spell, incantation formula means that an element of magic.
"Then give shaman or shaman herb-herb with the spell-the spell dimohonkan to God to cure certain diseases," said Martha in the workshop program of study herbal Indonesia, Universitas Indonesia (UI) in Wisma Makara UI Depok, on Tuesday (26 / 5) .
Muasal origin because the term is considered to have magical reason, the development of herbal medicine products based inheritance ancestors get a negative response since 1970. However, Martha serious claim to remain in business use jamunya.
According to Martha, the herbal medicine in the present time is no longer glued to the understanding in the first period. Formula herbal medicine in the current period is simply given only to traditional materials or ingredients derived from plants, animals or minerals for treatment. To leave an impression long also, in some forum, the term is often replaced with herbal medicine Traditional Indian Medicine (TIM).
Chairman of the Working Group of the Ministry of complementary and Alternative Health Merdias Almatsier says, herbal medicine is considered in the herbal treatment, the treatment with the use of plant or materials that contain ekstraknya nutritious for the body, prevention or cure health increase.
Unlike the herbal terstandar and fitofarmaka also classified the herbal treatment, herbal medicine is not essentially through praklinik test or clinical test of raw material and not terstandardisasi.
Let Healthy sperm
Bernie Zilbergeld, PhD, sex therapist and author of the book The New Male Sexuality mentioned, often the failure of the heart not get the error because the woman or prianya who make less than clever, but because the conditions that are less healthy sperm. Therefore, although a bit difficult to know whether or not sperm healthy, at least some of the following can help us to maintain the fixed sperm quality.
1. Stop smoking
2. Stop drinking alcohol excessively
3. Do not use in the trousers too tight. Look for a little loose, and avoid bathing with the water is too hot to keep your testikel cold.
4. Stay asup multivitamin as antioxidants such as vitamin C, E, and betakaroten. Can also mengasup with many fruits and vegetables. Also good when you take a multivitamin containing 20 mg of zinc every day.
5. Avoid the prolonged stress. Sisihkan your time to bermeditasi, alone, and enjoy your own life without interference of any kind, either the music, film, television, and others.
6. Make sure that the drink itself that you asup secure against a variety of chemicals that can poison the body. Limit Feed drink.
7. Limit fatty foods. Do not over-mengasupnya without fiber counterpart.
Akupuntur cure migraine
Label: Body HealthyAkupuntur as often applied by the physician and physician Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) can reduce migraine pain. Such a study reveals. Researchers from Italy found that regular treatment with the appropriate Akupuntur help improve symptoms in 32 patients suffering from migraine who are resistant or immune to the drugs.
Moreover, this therapy is more effective than working with two other forms of false Akupuntur used as a comparison. Therefore the researchers disclosed in the Medical Journal Headache.
In the previous research, leaving a quite contradictory results on the treatment of migraine Akupuntur. Some researchers felt that the use of Akupuntur that is not appropriate, use a blunt needle and does not penetrate through the skin is also said to reduce symptoms such as Akupuntur actual. Of course this is leaving questions about the biological effects Akupuntur.
However, the problem, in this research, there are inconsistencies design (research), as well as the use of points or point Akupuntur that does not comply with point-titk should ditusuk.
Akupuntur have been used more than 2000 years in Chinese medicine to overcome various health problems. According to the traditional treatment, the dots on the specific Akupuntur associated with this path that leads to the body's internal energy or Qi (chi) and to stimulate these points with needles can increase the flow of this Qi.
In the last research, Dr. Enrico Facco from the University of Padua and colleagues to see how a traditional technique with Akupuntur be quasi-Akupuntur (without the sharp needle) to prevent migraine.
Randomly meilih their 160 patients who experienced migraine into four groups: In one kelompo, patients receive biweekly sessions Akupuntur traditional. The second group was ostensibly Akupuntur. Third group was also Akupuntur ostensibly but tumpu The needle on the ditusukkan-ttik Akupuntur the actual point. And the fourth group is the control group who did not receive therapy Akupuntur at all.
More than six months, Facco team found, only the group receiving the needle prick Akupuntur tepatlah with the healing of migraine compared with the control group. Main factors of the new research is that although this therapy based on traditional treatment, but use the scientific way west.
The result is promising, said Facco, but further research is required to confirm the benefits of traditional Akupuntur of migraine. However, Facco, add, because this therapy is only a small side effect, can be used for those suffering from migraine which can not be solved with the standard treatment.
Not yet clear why correct Akupuntur can reduce migraine. Add the traditional theory based on the concept of Qi, Akupuntur of modern research on migraine Akupuntur stated that this may work with the signal transfer between nerve cells or affecting release various chemicals in the central nervous system.
Without medicine, Headaches vanish
SOME nonfarmasi type of treatment such as physical exercise, exercise rileksasi, and Akupuntur can provide long-term cure to the headache sufferer strained muscle type (tension-type headaches).
Discontinuance of the analgesic important as the first step of therapy for headache taut nerves that often because the use of paregoric can even cause headaches become chronic.
Once Dr. Elisabeth Soderberg joint team from the Sahlgrenska Academy, Goteborg University, Sweden, reported the results of research in the journal Cephalalgia.
In research, the research team randomly ask 90 patients who on average have seven years experience headaches taut nerves, to the sports training, exercise rileksasi, or Akupuntur. Researchers mengategorikan headache taut nerves when chronic pain lasted at least 15 days in a month and take six months, respectively.
During the four weeks before treatment, patients are assigned to record the characteristics of the headaches they experienced. Recording was conducted continuously for four weeks training and continues until three and six months after treatment.
Use Akupuntur conducted in the dots using the recommended 10 to 12 needles, 30 minutes per week, for 10 to 12 weeks. Sports training focused on the shoulder musculature and neck, each for 100 times, and also added to the bicycle pedal ergonomik and peregangan.
While exercise rileksasi include respiratory exercises, techniques to control stress, and how to behave during beraktivitas and rileks in the day-to-day life.
The result, compared to earlier treatment, and training Akupuntur rileksasi significantly reduce the intensity of headache until three to six months. While reducing the intensity of physical exercise and even deliver some headache patients to six months. Soderberg and the team says, the best results can be obtained with a combination of a third technique.
Acupuncture Pain Management Sembuhkan back
Treatment with the acupuncture, real or false, it can help cure sick pungung, so write a Reuters article that was released.
In any posts that mentioned, acupuncture help many people who mernderita back pain, compared to treatment with other standard way, either by using the "toothpick" (toothpick) or "real needle (needle), said the researchers from the United States, in a study that the way of acupuncture.
Some patients feel the benefits of using a treatment in a period of one year, said the research team that reported on the "Archives of Internal Medicine."
"The study shows that we do not need to thrust your hand on some one to get the same effect," said Dr. Daniel Cherkin of Group Health Center for Health Studies in Seattle, who led the study.
According to history, some type of acupuncture has been thrust without using a needle. As with any treatment that include elements of psychological effects that make a difference clinically, "said Karen Sherman of Group Health who participated in work study, time to give a statement.
The team handles 638 patients with chronic diseases in the spine is divided into several groups, namely the two groups receiving treatment with acupuncture needles and a few other groups with a toothpick. Currently only one other group to use standard medical treatment.
After eight weeks, almost 60 percent of each patient using two types of acupuncture treatment is reported that the increased recovery of function in accordance significant, but no significant difference whether acupuncture type needle or toothpick is used.
Bagimanapun how they work together. The researchers say the acupuncture treatment is relatively safe and easy way is to reduce pain in the back, especially when their own traditional medicine has failed, so the researchers
Increase Asthma Dance Quality of Life!
In addition to the medication, asthma can be treated with exercises. Namanya callisthenics asthma. Fair 3 times a week, people with the disease that can not be cured it can still maintain the quality of life.
Therefore expressed the Chairman of the Board of Asthma Indonesia (DAI) Prof. dr Faisal Yunus, PhD, SPP (K), FCCP meet the press at the World Asthma Day 2009 with the theme "You Can Control Your Asthma, act now!" Friendship Hospital in Jakarta, Monday (4 / 5).
"Gymnastics is created in 1985," said Faisal I who was also Chairman of the Asthma Foundation of Indonesia (Yai), as parties who manage asthma exercises.
Callisthenics this long, he said, initially 45 minutes. Senamnya movement consists of the opening of its own, followed by movement and the movement's core A core B. After that, there is movement aerobic cooling ago.
According to Faisal, acrobatics show positive results. This is shown with the results of research on people who perform acrobatics with asthma patients who do not do this. "After a year doing the exercises that they do calisthenics three times a week showed reduced asthma attacks. Medicine are also reduced. While they are not of the exercises," said Faisal.
See the positive impact of these exercises, then the asthma sufferer Yai to propose that the length of time is enhanced acrobatics. Then, in 1994 and 2003 exercises asthma is revised. Special for 2003 callisthenics asthma duration time to 1 hour. That distinguish the previous exercises, the version of 2003 has 3 aerobic movement. "For heavy asmanya still only do one aerobic, aerobic wear asthma are 2, that is good as the normal to the (movement) 3 aerobic," said Faisal.
They are involved in these exercises is a 2003 asthma doctor tuberculosis, doctors Haryo Tilarso as sports doctors, medical rehabilitation doctor, fisioterapis, trainer and acrobatics.
Senam asthma is very helpful because, according to the Head of respiration-Rehabilitation Medical Faculty of the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Indonesia (FKUI) RS Cipto Mangunkusumo josefacastro Husdwinuringtyas, many exercises using leg muscles. According to him, the leg muscles are the biggest muscles. If this is driven so the lungs inflate and flexible akan ago thorax cage easy to move so that the oxygen needs met.
Gymnastics is created because, according to josefacastro, people with asthma should not be haphazard sport. Sports that are even trigger asthma. Sports acrobatics is the recommended course, asthma, walking, running small, and ride a bicycle. "Even if the exercises are very helpful for people with asthma, treatment must still be done," said Faisal.
Prevent transmission Pig Flu
Label: Body HealthySOME of the world last week dihebohkan with the spread of swine ifluenza or better known as the swine flu. The spread of swine flu is detected since the start well in Mexico on 13 April. This virus can spread very quickly to different parts of the world. Be the last, the victim reached 149 people died. Of these 20 new victims stated positive bird flu virus infected pigs. While the other is still awaiting laboratory test results.
Swine influenza or flu is a swine disease that attacks the respiratory pig. Swine flu happens now with the different types of flu that normally exist in the human or pig. Suspected of a new type of flu will consist of a mixture of genetic pigs, birds, and humans. Then, if the flu is transmitted by pigs? Suspected of swine influenza or swine flu is caused by the bird flu virus mutation in the body when it is in pigs. As is known, can not transmit bird flu to humans. While pigs have a very vulnerable bird flu. Experts in fact has long concerned the occurrence of bird flu virus mutation into a virus more dangerous if the body is in pigs and is very easy to spread in mammals. The virus that caused outbreaks of bird flu strain is derived from the influenza virus type A H1N1.
Symptoms of this disease is not far different from the diseases such as flu like fever, cough, sore throat, headache, runny nose, fatigue and general muscle pain. Not infrequently accompanied by symptoms of diarrhea and vomiting. Even in more serious cases, the disease can cause symptoms of pneumonia (short of breath and difficult) in a short time.
Although the disease has not spread to Indonesia until there is no one if you know some tips to avoid disease. Due to the size of a virus that is causing micro you will never know whether the air you hirup really clean and does not contain the virus. Here are some ways that can be done to prevent the spread of disease of swine flu.
Wash hands
Hand organ that is very much in contact with objects. Hand did not reject or select any object or surface which will be touched. No matter the gross or net. Hands will be working as long as there are commands. Therefore, most likely hand is the organ most vulnerable dihinggapi germs or bacteria. Although it seems very simple, nothing can replace the role of washing hands. With routine hand washing, we can avoid germs, bacteria, pathogenic or attached on the other hand.
Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth
Still associated with the first tip. If you remember your hands just touching something with it then and not a part of the body tingle, as in the eyes, nose, mouth or hand and need help to eliminate interference itchy, and try not touch with hands. Because when we touch the hands, the virus is very easily spread to the part. And then developing and menginfeksi body.
Do not shake hands
If you know the flu outbreak has spread, when meeting with someone does not try to shake hands or do any rituals such as greeting kiss. Even if you are forced to shake hands with soap flee with it.
Avoid public places if you get sick. Should stop or travel out of the house. Take a break with just as much as possible and try to keep distance with them healthy so that you do not contaminate. By doing so, spread the disease to other people in minimalisir.
Use the cover
When we sneeze or cough out millions of viruses from the nose or mouth without visible to the eye. Use the cover so that when you sneeze or cough tersemprot the virus does not spread out and spread the people around you. Not recommended to cover the nose or mouth with your hands when you sneeze or cough. Then remove tissue, handkerchief, or other cover in the trash. If circumstances force you to quit, then kenakanlah masks that can cover your mouth and nose.
Not visit the country that flu infected pigs
Mewabahnya in connection with this virus in several countries in the world, it is to avoid traveling to countries that have reported cases due to H1N1 virus variants. However, if you are already terlanjur the country, soon to check it myself associated parties. If you are sick and then after visiting the country to report cases of swine flu, and report it immediately to the nearest medical officer. Most importantly, always follow the latest developments of bird flu outbreaks and medical action suggested by the local health authority.
Apply the pattern of living healthy
By applying the pattern of living healthy, you can survive the attack of viruses, bacteria, or other pathogenic. Most people who suffer pain due to infection from bacteria or viruses because the pattern of his life is not healthy. Not too difficult to create a healthy pattern of living. By avoiding smoking, sleep enough, exercise enough, controlling stress, perbanyak white and drinking water consumption of healthy food bernutrisi.
(Genie / Genie / tty)
The influenza vaccine
Although not dangerous, is the influenza activity and lower productivity. Not so often about, should do the vaccinations.
Influenza or commonly called the flu is an infection of the disease that can cause fever, shivering, cough, pain in the body, headache, and sometimes ear pain or sinus problems. Influenza virus is more attack anyone regardless of age, although more attack children.
"Influenza virus can spread from one person to another person. The virus is transmitted through coughing or sneezing of people with the influenza," said Doctor Specialist Diseases Tropikal from Pondok Indah Hospital, Jakarta, Dr Hindra Irawan Satari SpA (K) M. Trop. Paed the familiar disapa dr. Hinky.
Sometimes, the disease will be cured with influenza itself, or at least cough and general weakness may settle until more than two weeks. However, the level of healing that is different, depending on one's endurance of the body.
For some people who previously have had a heart trouble and tuberculosis, influenza can cause disease pneumonia secondary. While in children, this disease can cause high fever, so resembles sepsis, and 20 percent of children treated inap experience fever convulsions.
If left as such, flu can lead to complications, including otitis media (acute ear infection), sinusitis, bronchitis chronicles, and pneumonia. Of them, pneumococcal pneumonia is a complication that occurs frequently and most seriously. Therefore, the appropriate handling required for those suffering from flu, especially for children.
Therefore, it is important prevention is done. In which prevention can be done by giving the vaccinations should be provided since early on who is exposed to the risk of flu. Hinky, said the vaccination is given to them in a healthy condition.
"Vaccination aims to prevent the occurrence of disease, and ideally be in healthy condition," said a doctor who is also berpraktik in this RSCM.
Hinky say, for influenza vaccination, this new found vaccination to prevent the occurrence of influenza type A. Type-A influenza vaccination has been found since 1950s. "The vaccine can be given on the age of 6 months," he said.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that the U.S. flu vaccine given to their condition in pregnancy, age 50 years or more and have a chronic medical condition, and children's nurse or health service workers or live with or care for someone who is exposed to high risk of flu complications
While they have postponed or avoided from influenza vaccination is they have a history of egg allergy or food substances that contain the same protein in the eggs, hipersensitivitas history with the vaccine or are in a state of fever. The vaccine is also not permitted for people with Guillain-Barre syndrome (a disease autoimunitas serious attack on the nerves outside the brain and the spinal nerve).
Referred by medical doctors as well as general coordinator of the Global Assistance and Healthcare, dr. Olivia Aviany Ayuningthias which cite data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention U.S., 2009, that in the United States, each year 5 percent to 20 percent of the population exposed to flu and more than 200,000 lives treated in the hospital because of flu complications, 36,000 more lives died because of complications from the flu worst.
"Flu is not well can cause dangerous complications, because the effect can attack all organs," a medical graduate of Christian University of Indonesia.
Olivia explains, influenza vaccination is the primary method in the prevention of influenza. Use to limit complications from the disease. Influenza vaccine, there are only one type, but for every year of change in the strain in the vaccine. "The only differentiate the brand and manufacturer of the vaccine is. All the same effective in accordance with the results of clinical tests of each," he said.
(Koran SI / SI Koran / tty)
Supplements, Food Not Replacement
CONSUMPTION additional supplements such as vitamins if necessary mengonsumsi less vegetables and fruit. The goal, to strengthen body resistance.
Activities such as go-a-morning, returning into the night routine capital kantoran workers at this time. And, to support the body's resistance so that the pain is not easy consumption supplements. This is done Pramitha Ayuningtias (24), the Deputy Secretary to the Director of a private bank in Jakarta. Pramitha the berkutat always working at the computer every day, often feel dizzy in the afternoon.
"I have low blood, so if enggak consumption supplements blood penambah default so lemes. So I consumption because the needs," said Mita, greeting familiar Pramitha that diligent mengonsumsi supplements.
Meanwhile, Anggun Prameswari (23), student of Faculty of Dentistry University Moestopo practices that are outside of the city's diligent consumption supplement every day. Because the resistance to keep the body so that pain is not easy.
"With a lot of this activity, I am among those who rarely breaks up. Be a health conscious and not easily hurt, I diligently Feed add supplements. Sugesti not know or feel is the dependence, since consumption supplements, I always feel healthy," said Anggun the diligent consumption supplement three years.
Has a healthy body that is longed for each person. Health that comes from the body not only obtained when the board is not treated properly. Product supplement the gathering popularity in the market and are often advertised on television to "consumption" day-to-day in order to obtain a high level of purchasing.
"Among the many benefits of the supplement, it said that if the correct supplements work to improve the body's resistance, provided that there must be rules for consumption," said the doctor as well as general medical coordinator in the Global Assistance & Healthcare, dr. Olivia Aviany Ayuningthias.
Olivia says, the supplements work as a food supplement is the way consumption wrong. Because it is a goodconsumption supplements needs to complete the day-to-day obtained from food.
Food supplements are all kinds of nutritious food is usually found in the form of a capsule, tablet, powder or syrup that is taken as additional food for lack of substance in the meet daily food.
A supplement can be vitamins, minerals, elements, or other nutritional substances, such as fatty acid, amino acids, and other essential substances. For example, fibers, including the nutritious ingredients, which are derived from nature.
The provision of supplements to children and adults, or between people with one other person who is very different. "The consumption of supplements vary in each person, depending on their needs. For example, if the Feed supplements that aim to maintain the body's resistance, it is not used for consumption at any time," said Olivia.
"If we want the body system made good, then all of Feed into the body must also be good also," said Guru Besar Food Science and Nutrition Bogor Agriculture Institute (IPB), Prof.. Dr. Ir. Ali Khomsan, Ms.
He said, the supplement is a nutritional product that is used to add something less than this food could be consumed, but if it really needed. "Supplements that have a lot of benefits, and can be seen from the type of suplemennya own and peruntukannya," said the science of nutrition as a lecturer, Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) is.
Ali ask, in certain circumstances the provision of supplements for children are recommended. Of them, children in pain or in recovery period. In this case, the necessary supplements to help replenish the oxygen gizinya. Especially if appetite not eat well. The provision of supplements are also recommended when the child's daily menu is less complete, or the child's appetite decreased.
Ali added, when the children turn the age of 4-5 years, they usually have problems eating difficult. This can disrupt the growth itself. Therefore, consumption supplement is recommended at that time.
Furthermore, the supplement is also needed for children who have a digestive disturbance, interruption of absorption experienced a certain vitamin. When it needs akan vitamin are high, and when children lose their vitamin excessive. "At times, the supplement may provide for the small," said Ali.
(Koran SI / SI Koran / tty)
Beautiful Show with Total Blue
Label: health skinQuick View beautiful memesona can be translated in the game a touch of color. One type of color option will not reduce the value if you can look mengaplikasikannya appropriately.
Blue color and brightness to provide shelter. With blue, you can bait the man. Want to appear interesting with the blue? You can follow the tip given to The Sun, the following:
Mata is the main look for someone and the first to be seen by others. Through the blue eye shadow, you can show dramatic effects at the same time seduce. Want to menojolkan beauty shimmer with bright colors, you can choose eye shadow collection Lily lolo at 5 Pounds Sterling. This collection may be found in
Do not apply the blue color at once in the mascara and eye shadow. For the results will not be elegant. Better select the color of black mascara.
For the party, give effect to the cheeks glisten with glitter blue soft. You must now look to the more captivating.
Nail Care
Shown with a cloudless blue akan feel less without polesan similar coloring nail color. Now, you can appear beautiful nails with a captivating series of products from Urban Decay Nail Polish; sophisticated blue at 3.91 Pounds Sterling.
Enhance your appearance total blue with a touch of trendy perfume bottles packed in blue. Some perfume collection you can find in the series of Perfume Marc Jacobs Rain at 45 Pounds Sterling (300 ml) or Thieerry Mugler Angle for 37.50 Pounds Sterling (25ml). (ftr)
Get Fit with a Thai Massage
Massage makes the body into shape and rileks. Point-the point where blood is not flowing smoothly massaged or pressed. This technique can remove the tension or stress.
Massage of Thailand is different with different massage is generally developed in Indonesia. Thai massage is a dry massage without oil or lotion. Massage can be defined as "yoga for lazy people." Therapy that has been aged 3000 years this development principle is Ayurweda from India. This therapy is actually not much different from the first therapy that has been there such as from China and Japan. The difference, patients can still wear clothes when full massage.
Pemijatannya system is a combination of yoga and Thai massage style. Thumb and palm to press the "cents" in the body to remove tension. "Benefits of the main blood vessel that can accommodate rigid, increasing the strength of flexibility, reduce the level of tension, making the body become more fresh, making sleep more soundly, increase blood and lymph, and facilitate the circulation of blood and disposal," said Tri Kurniasih, Manager of Operations blush Terapi in Traditional Thai D'Best Fatmawati, South Jakarta.
183 Spot
There are some stage this therapy. First, patients wash feet. After that, e-mask or eye pillow of lavender placed on the patient's eye. "E-pillow containing Millet, seeds such as wheat, is given so that clients become more comfortable because of the cold. Lavendernya aroma can be calm. Customers be more fresh and feel the movement," sambungnya.
Furthermore, patients who already wear pajamas supine on mat. Massage starts from the foot, calf, thigh and hand with the search point "cents". Point "cents" consists of 183 points. Not all people can know the dots are. Massage and then resumed in the back. Massage starts from the foot, calf, thigh, to the face and neck. "Body-press pressed only, dipuntir-puntir, ditekuk-buckling, and dikretekin," he added.
Massage-massage that can make patients feel more fresh. Thigh musculature back faster, while the back and waist muscles melemas. Aged above 12 years can enjoy this service. Duration pemijatan this is 1,5-2 hours. "We want to restore the balance of energy in the urban course, which has a high stress level and a solid schedule," said Tri.
Please note, the blush of therapeutist Traditional Thai Therapy mengantongi this certificate from Thailand. Thai style massage to be 90 minutes, cost Rp135 thousand. While pemijatan with aroma therapy, the duration ranging from 90-120 minutes, costs start from Rp75, 215 thousand.
(Genie / Genie / tty)
Pigs influenza that perturb
NOT talking out of the Singapore flu, the threat came from the new flu pigs. Fear appears, it will swallow the victim more than 80 Mexican citizens into this pandemic the world? Mewabahnya flu pigs (swine flu) in Mexico since mid-April to become the hottest issue in the various mass media at this time.
Not fail, the government and the people around the world as well as a standby worry, this will spread to become a global problem such as when a flu pandemic killed millions of people around the world in 1918, 1957, and 1968?
Menginfeksi after more than a thousand Mexican citizens and 10 people in the United States, the WHO that the outbreak of swine flu pandemic potential into the world. However, it is too early to draw conclusions, and the government in various countries call for people to remain calm and not panic.
What and how to actually pig flu? How can anyone with a normal flu, bird flu, or flu is not yet old Singapore is also a focus in Indonesia?
Flu, the Beda-Coughing Colds
People often incorrectly use the term flu kaprah to describe the symptoms of a cold. In fact, according to the tuberculosis specialist from the Department of Medical Science and Pulmonologi respiration FKUI Jakarta dr Dianiati Kusumo Sutoyo SPP (K), cough, runny nose that is known in the community is a disease of respiratory virus infection is not dangerous.
"In the medical world, this phenomenon is known by the term common cold," sebutnya. Common cold is an infection of the channel on the breath because of the acute virus, with many variations in symptoms such as cough, nasal mucus thin and clear, sore throat, sneezing, watery eyes, nasal congestion. However, it is not accompanied by symptoms of severe muscle pain, high fever, let alone to vibrate.
The number of viruses cause common cold is highly variable, more than 200 species or strain (most frequent is the rhinovirus and coronavirus). This is different from the flu, because flu is short of influenza illness caused by influenza virus types A, B, or C.
The research found that virus-influenza virus that was not cause disease (pathogenic), bersirkulasi after some time on the farm population bermutasi can become a very contagious virus.
Pig flu, Hybrid Aneka Flu?
Flu pigs (swine flu) is a respiratory disease that commonly found in pigs of influenza A virus caused subtipe H1N1. This virus can be transmitted through animals, especially pigs, to mention that there is a possibility of transmission antarmanusia.
According to the Director General of Disease Control and Penyehatan Environment (P2PL) MOH Prof. Dr. Tjandra Yoga Aditama spp MARS, in general, swine flu this disease similar to influenza (influenza like illness / ili). Klinisnya Symptoms include fever, cough, runny nose, lethargic, tired, sore throat, shortness of breath or rapid breath, and sometimes accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
In the children, some conditions that should diwaspadai of them sooner or shortness of breath breath, skin kebiruan, reluctant to drink lots of fluids, slow response or not interactive, exacting, cough, runny nose, fever accompanied by redness in the skin (rash). As for the adults, in addition to the general clinical symptoms, if symptoms are difficulty breathing, short breath, pain or depression in the chest and stomach, sudden dizziness, confusion, and even accompanied by vomiting, should immediately ask for medical help.
H1N1 virus is usually found in humans and animals, especially pigs, but both have different characteristics. So also with the H5N1 bird flu virus, although equally influenza virus type A. How flu spread through the air, and pigs can also through direct contact with patients. The virus incubation period is 3-5 days range.
Head of Medical Division of the Ministry of Health, Australia, Professor Jim Bishop, said, not impossible that swine flu virus menginfeksi thousands of Mexican citizens are the result of hybridization (hybrid) between human flu, bird flu, and swine flu.
"We fear this will result in a hybrid new type of flu that will be more difficult to predict, and it seems there is a possibility of transmission antarmanusia," Bishop said as quoted AAP.
Singapore Flu
Singapore Flu is a disease in the world of medicine known as hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) or disease feet, hands and mouth (PKTM). Singapore called the flu because it seems initially brought into Indonesia by people new to travel or holiday abroad. PKTM disease is an infection caused by RNA viruses such as enterovirus and rhinovirus.
The disease is highly infectious and often occur in the summer with the virus incubation period of 2-5 days. Children age 2 months to 5 years most vulnerable infected. Some ordinary flu-like symptoms, ie fever, cough, cold, stiff, no appetite, and easily tired.
As is typical on a day-to-2 to-3 or a fever, arising sprue, broken in pieces lips, tongue and throat, red, and even the mouth area to blister or slimy. In addition, the skin arise The speck wide red, especially the feet, hands, mouth and mukosa. Nevertheless, this disease is usually not serious. With proper treatment, the patient will recover in 7-10 days.
Bird Flu
Respiratory disease in poultry (avian influenza) is known as bird flu infection is caused by influenza A virus subtipe H5N1. In general, klinisnya symptoms such as flu, in general, namely fever, cough, congested and sore throat, runny nose, muscle pain, headache, and weakness.
However, in a short time can worsen the condition of the occurrence of inflammation in the lungs (pneumonia), which if not done with good governance characteristic can culminate in death. Almost half the cases of bird flu in humans befall the children, especially under the age of 12 years infected with the most vulnerable.
Up to now, not found any scientific evidence of transmission of H5N1 antarmanusia. However, with environmental conditions such as at this time, it is not impossible bermutasi bird flu virus and cause the spread of human to human. (Koran SI / SI Koran / tty)
Build stamina while Prima Works
EVERY day activities, we always do. Activities that we do of course and a scheduled routine. Sometimes, we are saturated with the activities undertaken, especially for someone who has been working. At work, our bodies must be healthy and strong to support the needs in the work. A healthy body and strong of course is necessary. Therefore, the stamina should be protected well. Physical must be prepared.
Stamina so that we awake at work, following tips that keep the body strong and healthy:
Love the work done
Before maintain stamina, one thing that is very important cintailah your work. Do not do the work you do not like because it will feel boring and saturated. Boredom is a saturated or stamina to be the main factor to decrease. But you do not need to worry. Start to try to like your job.
Routine exercise
Do with organized sports. Many sports can you do. During the holidays, use a little time for sports. Sports that will be organized to strengthen the performance of the heart so that oxygen Feed akan until the whole body more. The more oxygen that enter the body will be better for our bodies. Sports that can be done, such as cycling, swimming, aerobic, running the morning, and others.
Adequate rest
Our bodies are not machines that can be used at any time. Our bodies need to rest. At rest, our bodies will feel rileks. When working, the muscles in the body so tense from there the rest can be quite smooth circulation of blood in the body that was a tense rift again. Do rest as much as 90-120 minutes every day to restore the energy terkuras.
Many white water mengonsumsi
It is easy to do this one but still a lot of people forget that the white water. Consume water and white is very good for the body to remain stamina. Lack of fluids can cause fatigue, so stamina is declining. When lack of body fluids, so that the blood will coagulate the blood flow to be slow. To restore the blood as smoothly take over the cell body to get oxygen.
Eat healthy food, healthy four-five perfect
Our bodies need to eat healthy food. Jauhilah food fast food because it is not good for health. Before work, try to have breakfast so the body has energy to work. Not need much, although only a few, have gained Feed in the body. Mengonsumsi many foods that contain carbohydrates can cause blood sugar more and more. This will make the body more quickly tired.
Supplements to increase stamina
Mengonsumsi or multivitamin supplements is very good for those who work from morning to night. Our bodies need vitamins mengonsumsi than eating healthy food and of course water mengonsumsi white. Or multivitamin supplements can help counteract damage to the body's cells because of free radical attack.
Change routine
Little change is not one of your routines. Routines that often can be done to make us become saturated and tired. Therefore, our bodies will feel tired and quickly decreased stamina. Of course this may make the body become so tired akan lazy to do your job. Change your routine a little practice. There is no one to listen to new music to eliminate stress or saturated, or in conversation with colleagues about any sekantor to eliminate saturation of the main factors penguras energy.
Do not do activities that are not useful
After the body of work we need a break, while working the body to feel tired all the muscles and blood work quickly. Do not do anything that is not useful. If there is leisure time as possible to use a rest. Keep your scheduled activities. Healthy living is ideal for everyone.
(Genie / Genie / tty)
Benefits of Vitamin E
Label: VitaminPerhaps for this that we know about the function of Vitamin E for skin regeneration, refine and make the skin become more youthful and beautiful. However, vitamin E appeared to have their own functions, which of course is quite diverse and very useful.
One study suggests that consumption of vitamin E can reduce enough akan risk heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, cataracts, muscle pain, fever and other infections diseases. Some research also showed that increased consumption of vitamin E can increase the body's immune system. Limit consumption of vitamin E is recommended that 8 to 10 IU (International Units) - the limit where a third of Americans use them. For maximum benefit vitamin E, you need 100 to 400 IU daily. Most research shows that this is the optimal consumption to reduce the risk of chronic diseases, firm Jeff Blumberg, Ph.D., nutrition professor from Tufts University, Boston.
To convince you if you consume enough vitamin E with, remember some of the recommendations below:
1. Eat foods that contain lots of vitamin E such as nuts, all the wheat, and a bottle green, which leaved vegetables are the main source of vitamin E.
2. Supplements. Not possible to obtain 100 to 400 IU from food alone. Even though olive oil, as one of the best sources of vitamin E, contains only 1.74 IU per one tablespoon. To get 100 IU, you need to drink 31 / 2 cups of oil per day jaitun. Instead of adding supplements to meet the recommended amount, Dr suggestions. Blumberg.
3. Quick tip. Because vitamin E can slow the blood bookkeeping, talk to the doctor before you consume vitamin E supplements if you take medicine or have any blood dilution bleeding problems.
Overcoming Stress While accumulate Jobs
Feeling very terbeban time must go to the office? Perhaps it is a problem for which you are currently working. Indeed, the work is not fun. Often we feel we do not have a job utmost. An unfinished work, come again another job. It does not have time to relax, head feels full and membayangkannya are already creating stress.
This is indeed unavoidable. But remember that health is the most important, because the mind is tense can damage your health. Rather than continue to feel depressed you with this, you can do so the following tips can reduce the burden of thought.
Stop complain
If we continue to just complain about the job we thought we would be depressed and will not work also is not finished? Try looking a little positive value that can be taken, just consider this study as a means for you. Or think about things that will be interesting when you do receive salaries.
Determine priorities
Indeed, we can not do the job all at once, then specify where the former is more important and must be completed. Do not think of another job, because you will create a concentration subject to slow and more work done.
Stay and rest rileks
You Sesibuk any, at day break, use the most of the time to relax. When possible, use your break time to sleep at least 15 minutes. This can make your body and mind more fresh.
Eat nutritious food
Do not forget to keep your attention to food nutrition in order to remain tercukupi. Adequate nutrition can make the body more healthy and vibrant. Keep consume enough fruit.
Return on time
If the job can be done tomorrow and you are not required overtime, return on time. This will help you get more time to relax and unwind with the family.
Requested leave and refreshing
When you are very tired, try to ask your leave. Use your vacation to visit the places you like, such as roads to the mountains or the beach. When possible, Engage children or your family to vacation together.
Find another job
This is one of the options if you feel it is not longer perform your job. Try to find another job that is different and you like. But first consider this case with previously cooked.
Tea slows brain cell damage
Label: Drink healthScientists find catechin, tea natural compound that protects cells from the brain damage is the formation of protein for many years and maintain the cognitive ability of the brain.
Tea is already known since long to keep nutritious health. According to various studies, there are at least 450 compound in the tea from the caffeine, various types of antioxidants, and vitamins known to be beneficial for the body.
Much research has been evidence that reveal how the tea habit will make someone stay healthy and in shape. One is the latest research that the scientists of Singapore origin. During the four years doing research, the scientists infer that for a cup of tea either because of slow brain cell damage and maintain the power still remember the sharp in old age. This research is the long list of benefits to tea.
"Each type of tea will yield the same benefits," said Prof Ng Tze Pin from the Ministry of Health Drugs For Life National University of Singapore to The Sunday Times, as dilansir BBC News, Thursday (13 / 4).
The scientists found that catechin, the natural compound that protects cells from the brain damage is the formation of protein for many years and maintain the cognitive ability of the brain. "Tea is cheap, not toxic, is consumed and the wider community," cetus Tze Pin.
According to scientists, the caffeine in tea, unlike that found in coffee, because it contains natural protein theanine. This substance is able to fight side effects of caffeine, such as increased blood pressure, headache, and fatigue.
The report says, the brain cell damage caused by a combination of loss of nerve cells, the influence of genes, mild stroke, and increase the degree of protein damage. Sometimes, people with lead in demensia (disease interference cognitive function due to damage in the brain due to age factors or other serious diseases).
Conclusion is obtained after the team scientists learn from the tea-drinking habits 2501 Chinese aged 55 years and above from September 2003 to December 2005 set. Health patients, observation period, the language used, and spatial ability of the respondents observed. Tea drinking habits were also monitored. Approximately 38 percent of the respondents it was not tea. Some 29 percent of drinking only one type of tea drinking and the rest various types of tea.
Two-thirds of the tea drinker to keep the value in test power remember two years later. Among the respondents who are not tea drinker, 35 percent have seen a decrease in the average value for two points, the data indicate that cognitive decline.
Tea, is a research, is the special factors that keep the brain cells stay healthy. However, it can not be created only with only tea. "It still requires a good habit for life and a balanced diet," Tze Pin firm.
Previously, experts from the University of Dundee, Scotland, through the latest research results, the tea can also be one way to prevent the disease diabetes. Scottish researchers is to find a similar compound in tea that has a great potential of the type 2 diabetes, or type of diabetes that most often suffer at this time. According to them, this particular compound is able to play a role as well as insulin in the body.
Experts from the University of Dundee led by Dr Graham Rena joint team from the Crop Research Institute revealed that this compound in black tea called theaflavin and thearubigin can mimic insulin function in the body.
Not only that, the latest research in France also concluded that tea is very beneficial to maintain blood vessel health and heart, especially for women.
Dr Mahmoud Zureik and colleagues from the National Institute for Medical Research of France, reported the findings that adult women who drink tea will get protection from the risk of the formation of plaque in the arterial duct in the neck. So, less likely to have a stroke and heart disease. Presumably, the benefits of tea have utmost not to be research material in various parts of the world.
- Brain cell damage caused by a combination of loss of nerve cells, the influence of genes, mild stroke, and increase the degree of protein damage.
- Compound in black tea called theaflavin and thearubigin can mimic insulin function in the body.
Obesity and Cancer Risk
Side effects excessive body weight might not directly result in poor health. But the latest research seems to prove Obesity associated with increased cases of some particular type of cancer.
According to reports from the American Institute of Cancer Research Newsletter, consuming excessive calories and weight gain that can create difficulties in the body change blood sugar into energy. When this happens, the body produces excessive insulin, which can cause the growth of abnormal cells.
Merekemondasikan consumer researchers to balance the number of calories they consume with physical activity. Also, many variations mengonsumsi food containing grains and fruits and eat at least five serving of vegetables a day. Following this suggestion is not to guarantee will not be affected by cancer, but this step is key to healthy lifestyles.
Fruit Tin Can Prevent Cancer
According to the results of medical research is broadcast daily by Al-Raya, Qatar, Saturday (5 / 1), the amount of fruit such as fruit kelengkeng but rich in calcium and potasium also benzaldehyde contain substances that are useful against cancer cells.
Tin in the fruit is sweet, it seems that also contain substances that are important to the human body because it can reduce bad cholesterol, strengthen the heart and respiratory menormalkan for patients
shortness of breath.
Fruit is also known as Ara or figs of many found in Arab countries. Fruit is easily digested by means of digestion, useful to treat difficult to defecate, useful for heart and spleen.
Fruit that taste sweet such as korma is also more similar as normal because the glut of food such as fruit korma Arab citizens so rarely include it in the list of fruits.
Research on fruit in the womb benzaldehyde Tin was actually expressed in the journals published Cure Cancer Foundation website. This website states that the research conducted by experts from the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research in Tokyo shows benzaldehyde effective in preventing tumor.
In addition, the United States Department of Agriculture revealed that fruit Tin contains a variety of nutrition from vitamins A, C, calcium, magnesium and potasium. Fruit is also good to control appetite and help decrease body weight. Tin fruit juice drinks are also good to kill harmful bacteria in a peneltian.
source: Kompas
Food Allergy Alerts
If you are allergic to a food, then our body's immune system usually produces antibiotics to prevent the food is dangerous. Every time we eat, the system that we have in the body, producing blood substances (chemical substance) that protects our bodies. Substances was usually affects the body, impact inhalation, skin and bowel-related. The symptoms that often arise are:
# It can affect our skin, such as itch-itch on our bodies, swollen and ruddy.
# We mempet Nose (difficult breathing)
# Nausea, nausea, diarrhea, and often dispose of the wind
# Nars and usually subject to attack people who have asthma disease.
If the reaction is fatal, when you eat food that you are allergic to the body, will cause death. Reactions are usually marked with a difficult to breath, low blood pressure and loss of consciousness (fainting).
If you have any symptoms as I mentioned above, check your health immediately to the doctor.
Pare (momordica charantia), Si bitter savor of Many
Plant this one famous for the bitter fruit. Yet, although bitter, pare plants that have a lot of property.
Behind the bitter taste that saved a million for health benefits. Albiminoid contain fruit, carbohydrate, and pigment. Leaves contain momordisina, momordina, quarantine, resin, oil and fat. While the root contains momordial acid and acid oleanolat. Seeds containing saponin, alkaloid, triterprenoid, and acid momordial.
Pare plants (Momordica charabtia) come from regions of Tropical Asia, but has not been ascertained at the plant since this region to enter Indonesia. Pare plants at this time have been in various areas in the archipelago.
Generally, pembudidayaan done as a business side. Pare land planted in yards, or moor, or in the former rice paddy fields as penyelang in the dry season.
There are series pare pronouncing the name of the plant, for example: paria, parea, pepareh, popare, papari, pepare, pariane, kambeh, paya, prieu, foria, pariak, paliak, truwuk, paita, poya, pudu, pentoe, beleng-gede, pania , pepule, kakariano, and taparipong.
This shows, pare plants have spread throughout the region. However, many still not yet known, pare that can be used to cure some diseases and improve human health.
What, I use plant pare?
Fruit savor
1. Dysentery
Provide 2 pare fresh fruit, washing ago cut into pieces. Add a quarter glass of water, and diblender. Seduh and PERAS. Please drink 2 times a day.
2. Urine Manis
Take 2 pare fruit, clean and lumatkan. Add half a glass of clean water. Poke and PERAS. Drink a day for 1 ingredient. Repeated for 2 weeks.
3. Penambah ASI
1 Take the fruit pare, wash clean, then boiled a few minutes. Used as lalap.
4. Blain
Pare the fruit is used as a medicine outside. Take 1 fresh fruit directly dilumatkan. Borehkan on the popular ulcer.
5. Bronchitis
Provide 2-3 pare fruits, then taken sarinya. Give 1 tablespoon honey. Drink once a day. Do for 3 months. This recipe is also good cure for anemia, gastritis, pain in your heart, painful menstruation, rheumatism, and streamline the body.
Leaf property
1. Ulcer and worms kremi
Provide leaves 1 handful fresh, given a quarter cup of water, and blender. Filtered with gauze. If necessary, add a little salt, secukupnya palm sugar, and lemon. Drinking once a quarter cup a day. Do for 1 week.
2. Childbed fever
Take 3 pare fresh leaves, wash clean, and lumatkan. Add a glass of water and a little salt, and seduh. PERAS and filter, and drink 2 times a day as many as half a glass.
3. Penambah ASI
2 leaves provide heat pare some time ago. Kompreskan on the breast.
4. Pain in your heart
Provide pare 6 grams of fresh leaves, 5 grams rimpang temulawak, and 110 ml of water. Boil all ingredients for 15 minutes, then filtered with gauze, and PERAS. Drink once a day. Repeat for 2 weeks.
5. Hair Subur
Take some leaves pare fresh sheets, wash clean remas-remas ago. Enough to be smeared scalp of children.
6. Cough
Undecided 7 pare fresh leaves, then seduh with 2 tablespoon water. After that, PERAS and filtered. Drink 2 times a day.
7. Scar
Wash clean pare handful of fresh leaves, and lumatkan. Add a little hot water, and PERAS. Perasan water mixed with 2 tablespoon of rice flour, and poke up evenly. Borehkan on the scar every day.
8. Hemorrhoids
Take 5 pare fresh leaves, add a quarter cup of water, boil and PERAS. Take 3 spoons perasan this water, then mixed with a glass of liquid yoghurt. Drink every morning.
9. Infertility
Provide 27 grams pare fresh leaf extract, 7 grains of black pepper, 3 cloves garlic, and 27 grams palm sugar. All materials dilumatkan, and add a glass of water. Boil and PERAS. Perasan drinking water every day for 3-4 months.
10. Skin disease
Make 1 cup leaf extract pare. How, take 3 pare leaf blade plus one-half cup water. Boil and PERAS. Perasan water mixed with a sari spoon orange juice. Drink once a day.
11. Rabun night
Sari leaves pare be smeared around the eyes.
Property Roots
1. Dysentery amoeba
Take a handful pare root, add a glass of water. Boil and PERAS. Drink once a day.
2. Hemorrhoid
Take the root of pare, wash clean, then lumatkan. Oleskan this herb in the pile.
Radiation Ponsel Making Children's emotional
For the mother-the mother of the middle, should reduce the use of mobile phones. This can cause children to become emotional.
A study conducted by researchers at the University of California, United States (UCLA) on 13,000 children at school age. In research is that children born of mothers who frequently use mobile phones during pregnancy has harmful behaviors such as hiperaktif and difficult to control emotional. In addition, children also have difficulty in socializing with friends.
From the research that found 54 percent of children born of mothers who frequently use mobile phones during pregnancy.
Detikhot Quoted from The Independent, 80 percent of children suffer interference behavior earlier. 25 percent of them have difficulties in controlling the emosinya. 34 percent of them have difficulty socializing. 35 percent of children hiperaktif.
This earlier caused by radiation from mobile phones cause interference in the biological growth in the fetus while in the womb. Therefore, it is recommended for pregnant women to reduce the frequency bands using a mobile phone.
Create a Healthy Breakfast Child
Breakfast is not only required of adults, but also children who are in a period of growth, and move on. Quality and breakfast clear pattern is very important as well with breakfast, children, akan tercukupi needs than gizi also have enough energy to activity, both physical and brain such as thinking, learning, and concentrating.
As disclosed nutrition expert who is also Chairman of the Department of Nutrition Sciences Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia (FKUI) from Sri Sukmaniah, MSc, SPGK (K), healthy breakfast for children should follow the pattern of eating well-balanced composition of 60-68 percent carbohydrate, 12-15 percent protein , 20-25 percent fat, and 10-15 grams of fiber. In addition, the portion of breakfast also achieve at least 20 to 25 percent of the total calorie ration for one day.
"Therefore, a healthy breakfast for children 6-12 years ideally consist of grains or whole wheat, fruits or vegetables, nuts, or products such as tempe turunannya year and susu or other animal products," said the Sri meet the press in Jakarta on Tuesday (10 / 6) last week.
For the portion of the distribution of calories, Sri light, breakfast included 20-25 percent of the total dietary needs during the day. Lunch and dinner each 30 percent, while food distraction can be done two times with portions of each 10 percent.
Breakfast food can be a change so that children akan morning tercukupi energy until noon. Carbohydrate source also does not have rice, the cereal like wheat or oat or olahannya products also can be a substitute for rice.
Grains or cereals is the ideal choice for breakfast because the completeness of the actual nutritional value and kepraktisannya. Cereals made from natural ingredients and contain more fiber than the various vitamins. Thus, the cereals will be sufficient not only needs energy, but many essential vitamin. Breakfast cereals to choose the means that already meet the adequacy of calories than a quarter of the adequacy of the vitamin, and fiber.
For children, Sri also suggested that breakfast should not share too much because the portion of the system akan pencernaannya. "Stomach feel full of pain so that the activity can be disrupted," he said.
Breakfast Tip Preparing Children:
1. Prepare the breakfast menu healthy & nutritious balanced.
2. Select a breakfast menu and a practical range from various types of food.
3. Breakfast does not have rice. Cereals, bread, potatoes, and noodles can be an alternative.
4. Susu olahannya or results, such as yogurt is recommended.
5. Can be equipped with fresh fruit or a diblender
6. Give water to drink enough
7. Also provide the opportunity for children to plan and prepare sarapannya.
Beware, Vitamin Can Be toxic
Children in infancy require additional vitamins if acquisition of the Feed inadequate nutrition needs. But do not give additional vitamin too much, because it can turn into toxic, especially vitamins A, D, E, and K.
Vitamin A, which functions to maintain the growth and development take place normally. This vitamin helps bones, and improvement of the network, maintaining health skin, eyes and immune response.
Naturally there are lots of vitamin A in milk, cheese, eggs, green and orange vegetables such as carrots, taro, and pumpkin.
Next is a vitamin B, consisting of B2, B3, B6 and B12 metabolism expedite the work, energy production and circulatory system and nerve. Best source of vitamin B is a meat, chicken, fish, nuts, eggs, milk, cheese, and soybean pod.
Vitamin C is very closely related with the health skin, muscle and tissue fastener. This type of vitamin idol producers are additional food. Although many of the circulating vitamin C the most expensive to the cheapest, but the natural source of citrus, strawberry, kiwi, tomatoes and green such as broccoli , still the best.
In the growth and development of children, vitamin D is absolutely necessary to produce the bones and teeth strong and healthy, and help the body absorb calcium. Best source of vitamin D are milk, cheese, yogurt, yolk, and fish oil.
While the muscles healthy and strong and the production of red blood cells is very dependent iron from the Feed. Lack of iron can interfere with the growth in adolescence, especially in children of women who start the cycle menstruasi. Main sources of iron are red meat, turkey, pork, spinach, pea, and plum.
Do not give additional vitamin because it is too much change can be toxic. Despite your children are easy to swallow pills or syrup, but once again is the best source of vitamins from food.
The Greng with Vagina Spa
Organ intimate women need special treatment. There are ways that can be ancient, that is, the vagina spa. This treatment can prevent and overcome "keputihan", maintain immunity intimate organs, as well as provide virginitas sensation, and to improve the sexual passion.
Therapy V-spa takes approximately 2-3 hours. Not only spoiled the intimate organs, but almost the entire body. How does this sequence therapy? Let's see!
1. Consultation
Every care and maintenance of health needs analysis first. Early consultation with experts to be important to know the general condition of the woman. One of them to see if there is a specific disease associated with organ intimate. At this stage all the problems and desires can be participants therapy. Then therapeutist will provide technical guidance on the care and benefits.
2. Vulva Hygiene
Before therapy is started, the intimate hygiene be the first focus. Treatment begins with cleaning the dirt from the vulva vagina with warm water wash containing herbal and aromatic oil.
3. V-Scrubing
Then the area around the intimate organs, such as bending thigh, stomach area, and buttocks, and areas that tend to be dark skin areas such as the axilla and breast, rubbed with spices such as scrub of sandalwood, aromatic roots, and roses. Scrub is useful to lift dead skin cells, refine skin and mencerahkan.
4. Massage bioenergi
Let rileks body, smooth blood circulation, stamina and body vagina increase, followed by treatment aroma therapy massage. Pemijatan bioenergi with this technique is done on the entire body, especially the musculature basis pelvis.
5. Bathing jar
Done massage, followed berendam in a large jar containing the hot water ditetesi essential oil. While berendam, the therapy led to do meditation movement.
Movements that include muscle contraction to take basic pelvic, waist, in the thigh, outside thigh, knee, foot, vagina and the muscles. Step by step this is done with the breath while managing to feel really comfortable in the whole body. In this concentration, taste it, breath and walk over.
6. V-Steam (evaporation)
To merilekskan, smooth flow of blood around the vagina, and cause to fall by excess mucus in the vagina, vagina conducted steam. V-Steam be in a position to sit and open tebar feet. Then the area around the intimate organs given warm vapor (steam) coming from the herbal ingredients and essential oils.
7. V-compress
To complete it, in a warm, herbal ingredients that have been packed as tea-bag, dikompreskan on the vagina and surrounding areas. Function as a tonic or brace to increase stamina vagina, antiinfeksi, and reduce inflammation or pain, if any.
8. V-fogging (fumigation)
Fumigation is done with the spices from burning black root, root, fragrant, and sandalwood in a heated vaporizer. This step is useful to improve stamina vagina, as antiseptic and keep the humidity vagina.
9. In the treatment of
As in the treatment of, provided two different kinds of natural ingredients that work to improve stamina, is antiseptic, and body heat. Indonesia ingredients can be selected, for example, turmeric and temulawak, or Chinese herb.
Choosing Nutritious Medicine Strategy
In an emergency, the existence of drugs that are inserted into the P3K akan very helpful. However, many types of medication for every complaint that circulate in the market. Not help, but we would choose the confusion, which is right for us. How do I choose the medicine that nutritious?
First, the content is generally free of drug combination of substances-substances that-it also. Headache medicine does not contain aspirin if the pain can make an ulcer, so paracetamol. For a cold usually contain antihistamin klorfeniramin maleat or desklorfeniramin maleat that can make sex and dekongestan as fenilpropanolamin hidroklorida or fenilefrin hidroklorida, which sometimes make the heart throb and the blood pressure rise.
Of cough medicine containing desktrometorfan hidrobromida which sometimes combined with ekspektoran, such as gliseril guayakolat. Ulcer drugs antasida at most, usually a combination of aluminum magnesium hidroksida and hidroksida, which sometimes causes constipation or diarrhea. Menstrual pain medication generally contain acid mefenamat can mengiritasi stomach. Asthma medications contain teofilin and efedrin. Substance which is called the last pulse can cause heart and blood pressure rise.
So if you pengidap ulcer pain and a headache when you, choose the medicines that contain paracetamol (asetaminofen), which do not contain aspirin. Similarly, if you have a toothache, muscle pain, aches or mild pain-up to being another. (Drugs antinyeri will not be effective for pain heavyweight caused kidney stones, gall stones, or cancer.)
If you work as drivers or carpenters who operate engine, do not use cold medicines that contain antihistamin, because akan nod. When you cough dry, use dekstrometorfan, whereas if the cough berdahak, use only black for a cough. What combination dekstrometorfan and glycerol guayakolat a strange logic. Pressing excitatory Dekstromterofan cough, while gliseril guayakolat thus dilute mucus and stimulate coughing, which aims to facilitate the actual expenditure mucus.
While pengidap asthma or hypertension, do not use efedrin, teofilin use only.
Second, choose the only substance you need. Remember, that any substance which is called on the fact that drugs are toxic. Be careful with the term "flu", which describes the actual set of symptoms. The disease itself can be cold (common cold) or influenza.
Both were caused by a virus, but from a different species. For both there is no medicine that can kill virusnya. The only drugs that alleviate symptoms. It will heal itself after 3 - 5 days by the body's immune patients.
So if you only cough flu, the drugs do not drink until that contain paracetamol. If your flu hot and cold, does not need to drink dekstrometorfan. Explicit example, a medicinal product "influenza," a cold (common cold), headache, cough, fever, pain in the muscles. From its contents, this nyatalah drugs designed to combat symptoms of flu: fever, headache, runny nose, cough and berdahak.
If you only suffer headaches or muscle pains, Is you enter the many toxic substances that are not needed in your body, other than asetaminofen? Can be the headache or muscle you recover, but you'll nod as dekslorfeniramina maleat, or pulse because caffeine and fenilpropanolamina hidroklorida. This is important, not only the drug indication, but also the composition of the medicine.
Third, konsultasilah first to the doctor because there is a dangerous drug interactions. For example, if you suffer PJK (coronary heart disease) and is in treatment for antipembekuan blood, and you take aspirin for headaches, bleeding can occur spontaneously.
How does the pimple medicine? The bacteria Corynebacterium acnes plays an important role in the occurrence of whelk. When the pimple you never recover, in addition to attention to skin hygiene and spread cream antijerawat, ask your doctor for meresepkan oral antibiotics, such as tetrasiklin, either erythromycin, doksisiklan or minosiklin.