Children in infancy require additional vitamins if acquisition of the Feed inadequate nutrition needs. But do not give additional vitamin too much, because it can turn into toxic, especially vitamins A, D, E, and K.
Vitamin A, which functions to maintain the growth and development take place normally. This vitamin helps bones, and improvement of the network, maintaining health skin, eyes and immune response.
Naturally there are lots of vitamin A in milk, cheese, eggs, green and orange vegetables such as carrots, taro, and pumpkin.
Next is a vitamin B, consisting of B2, B3, B6 and B12 metabolism expedite the work, energy production and circulatory system and nerve. Best source of vitamin B is a meat, chicken, fish, nuts, eggs, milk, cheese, and soybean pod.
Vitamin C is very closely related with the health skin, muscle and tissue fastener. This type of vitamin idol producers are additional food. Although many of the circulating vitamin C the most expensive to the cheapest, but the natural source of citrus, strawberry, kiwi, tomatoes and green such as broccoli , still the best.
In the growth and development of children, vitamin D is absolutely necessary to produce the bones and teeth strong and healthy, and help the body absorb calcium. Best source of vitamin D are milk, cheese, yogurt, yolk, and fish oil.
While the muscles healthy and strong and the production of red blood cells is very dependent iron from the Feed. Lack of iron can interfere with the growth in adolescence, especially in children of women who start the cycle menstruasi. Main sources of iron are red meat, turkey, pork, spinach, pea, and plum.
Do not give additional vitamin because it is too much change can be toxic. Despite your children are easy to swallow pills or syrup, but once again is the best source of vitamins from food.
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