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Choosing Nutritious Medicine Strategy

. Sabtu, 18 April 2009
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In an emergency, the existence of drugs that are inserted into the P3K akan very helpful. However, many types of medication for every complaint that circulate in the market. Not help, but we would choose the confusion, which is right for us. How do I choose the medicine that nutritious?

First, the content is generally free of drug combination of substances-substances that-it also. Headache medicine does not contain aspirin if the pain can make an ulcer, so paracetamol. For a cold usually contain antihistamin klorfeniramin maleat or desklorfeniramin maleat that can make sex and dekongestan as fenilpropanolamin hidroklorida or fenilefrin hidroklorida, which sometimes make the heart throb and the blood pressure rise.

Of cough medicine containing desktrometorfan hidrobromida which sometimes combined with ekspektoran, such as gliseril guayakolat. Ulcer drugs antasida at most, usually a combination of aluminum magnesium hidroksida and hidroksida, which sometimes causes constipation or diarrhea. Menstrual pain medication generally contain acid mefenamat can mengiritasi stomach. Asthma medications contain teofilin and efedrin. Substance which is called the last pulse can cause heart and blood pressure rise.

So if you pengidap ulcer pain and a headache when you, choose the medicines that contain paracetamol (asetaminofen), which do not contain aspirin. Similarly, if you have a toothache, muscle pain, aches or mild pain-up to being another. (Drugs antinyeri will not be effective for pain heavyweight caused kidney stones, gall stones, or cancer.)

If you work as drivers or carpenters who operate engine, do not use cold medicines that contain antihistamin, because akan nod. When you cough dry, use dekstrometorfan, whereas if the cough berdahak, use only black for a cough. What combination dekstrometorfan and glycerol guayakolat a strange logic. Pressing excitatory Dekstromterofan cough, while gliseril guayakolat thus dilute mucus and stimulate coughing, which aims to facilitate the actual expenditure mucus.

While pengidap asthma or hypertension, do not use efedrin, teofilin use only.

Second, choose the only substance you need. Remember, that any substance which is called on the fact that drugs are toxic. Be careful with the term "flu", which describes the actual set of symptoms. The disease itself can be cold (common cold) or influenza.

Both were caused by a virus, but from a different species. For both there is no medicine that can kill virusnya. The only drugs that alleviate symptoms. It will heal itself after 3 - 5 days by the body's immune patients.

So if you only cough flu, the drugs do not drink until that contain paracetamol. If your flu hot and cold, does not need to drink dekstrometorfan. Explicit example, a medicinal product "influenza," a cold (common cold), headache, cough, fever, pain in the muscles. From its contents, this nyatalah drugs designed to combat symptoms of flu: fever, headache, runny nose, cough and berdahak.

If you only suffer headaches or muscle pains, Is you enter the many toxic substances that are not needed in your body, other than asetaminofen? Can be the headache or muscle you recover, but you'll nod as dekslorfeniramina maleat, or pulse because caffeine and fenilpropanolamina hidroklorida. This is important, not only the drug indication, but also the composition of the medicine.

Third, konsultasilah first to the doctor because there is a dangerous drug interactions. For example, if you suffer PJK (coronary heart disease) and is in treatment for antipembekuan blood, and you take aspirin for headaches, bleeding can occur spontaneously.

How does the pimple medicine? The bacteria Corynebacterium acnes plays an important role in the occurrence of whelk. When the pimple you never recover, in addition to attention to skin hygiene and spread cream antijerawat, ask your doctor for meresepkan oral antibiotics, such as tetrasiklin, either erythromycin, doksisiklan or minosiklin.


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