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Three Reasons Why Children Need to Play

. Senin, 06 April 2009
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Play is the child's rights. Unfortunately the level playing children in Indonesia is very low. While playing for the benefit of children.

According to psychologist Abraham Andjayani Ratih children, 3 there are reasons why children should have the opportunity to play a fun.

First, play with the children will grow into the adult human whole, healthy and happy life. Second, without the element of fun to play and move, the child will grow into adults that are less explicit, stress, and neurotik. And the third, at the level of extreme tension and stress can trigger the interference-interference, including interference of the soul.

Needs of children ages 2 - 13 years is playing. "So let them play, not forced to study or tutor and the tutor. If want to teach (lesson) I can play with," said Ratih.

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