Plant this one famous for the bitter fruit. Yet, although bitter, pare plants that have a lot of property.
Behind the bitter taste that saved a million for health benefits. Albiminoid contain fruit, carbohydrate, and pigment. Leaves contain momordisina, momordina, quarantine, resin, oil and fat. While the root contains momordial acid and acid oleanolat. Seeds containing saponin, alkaloid, triterprenoid, and acid momordial.
Pare plants (Momordica charabtia) come from regions of Tropical Asia, but has not been ascertained at the plant since this region to enter Indonesia. Pare plants at this time have been in various areas in the archipelago.
Generally, pembudidayaan done as a business side. Pare land planted in yards, or moor, or in the former rice paddy fields as penyelang in the dry season.
There are series pare pronouncing the name of the plant, for example: paria, parea, pepareh, popare, papari, pepare, pariane, kambeh, paya, prieu, foria, pariak, paliak, truwuk, paita, poya, pudu, pentoe, beleng-gede, pania , pepule, kakariano, and taparipong.
This shows, pare plants have spread throughout the region. However, many still not yet known, pare that can be used to cure some diseases and improve human health.
What, I use plant pare?
Fruit savor
1. Dysentery
Provide 2 pare fresh fruit, washing ago cut into pieces. Add a quarter glass of water, and diblender. Seduh and PERAS. Please drink 2 times a day.
2. Urine Manis
Take 2 pare fruit, clean and lumatkan. Add half a glass of clean water. Poke and PERAS. Drink a day for 1 ingredient. Repeated for 2 weeks.
3. Penambah ASI
1 Take the fruit pare, wash clean, then boiled a few minutes. Used as lalap.
4. Blain
Pare the fruit is used as a medicine outside. Take 1 fresh fruit directly dilumatkan. Borehkan on the popular ulcer.
5. Bronchitis
Provide 2-3 pare fruits, then taken sarinya. Give 1 tablespoon honey. Drink once a day. Do for 3 months. This recipe is also good cure for anemia, gastritis, pain in your heart, painful menstruation, rheumatism, and streamline the body.
Leaf property
1. Ulcer and worms kremi
Provide leaves 1 handful fresh, given a quarter cup of water, and blender. Filtered with gauze. If necessary, add a little salt, secukupnya palm sugar, and lemon. Drinking once a quarter cup a day. Do for 1 week.
2. Childbed fever
Take 3 pare fresh leaves, wash clean, and lumatkan. Add a glass of water and a little salt, and seduh. PERAS and filter, and drink 2 times a day as many as half a glass.
3. Penambah ASI
2 leaves provide heat pare some time ago. Kompreskan on the breast.
4. Pain in your heart
Provide pare 6 grams of fresh leaves, 5 grams rimpang temulawak, and 110 ml of water. Boil all ingredients for 15 minutes, then filtered with gauze, and PERAS. Drink once a day. Repeat for 2 weeks.
5. Hair Subur
Take some leaves pare fresh sheets, wash clean remas-remas ago. Enough to be smeared scalp of children.
6. Cough
Undecided 7 pare fresh leaves, then seduh with 2 tablespoon water. After that, PERAS and filtered. Drink 2 times a day.
7. Scar
Wash clean pare handful of fresh leaves, and lumatkan. Add a little hot water, and PERAS. Perasan water mixed with 2 tablespoon of rice flour, and poke up evenly. Borehkan on the scar every day.
8. Hemorrhoids
Take 5 pare fresh leaves, add a quarter cup of water, boil and PERAS. Take 3 spoons perasan this water, then mixed with a glass of liquid yoghurt. Drink every morning.
9. Infertility
Provide 27 grams pare fresh leaf extract, 7 grains of black pepper, 3 cloves garlic, and 27 grams palm sugar. All materials dilumatkan, and add a glass of water. Boil and PERAS. Perasan drinking water every day for 3-4 months.
10. Skin disease
Make 1 cup leaf extract pare. How, take 3 pare leaf blade plus one-half cup water. Boil and PERAS. Perasan water mixed with a sari spoon orange juice. Drink once a day.
11. Rabun night
Sari leaves pare be smeared around the eyes.
Property Roots
1. Dysentery amoeba
Take a handful pare root, add a glass of water. Boil and PERAS. Drink once a day.
2. Hemorrhoid
Take the root of pare, wash clean, then lumatkan. Oleskan this herb in the pile.
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