Perhaps for this that we know about the function of Vitamin E for skin regeneration, refine and make the skin become more youthful and beautiful. However, vitamin E appeared to have their own functions, which of course is quite diverse and very useful.
One study suggests that consumption of vitamin E can reduce enough akan risk heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, cataracts, muscle pain, fever and other infections diseases. Some research also showed that increased consumption of vitamin E can increase the body's immune system. Limit consumption of vitamin E is recommended that 8 to 10 IU (International Units) - the limit where a third of Americans use them. For maximum benefit vitamin E, you need 100 to 400 IU daily. Most research shows that this is the optimal consumption to reduce the risk of chronic diseases, firm Jeff Blumberg, Ph.D., nutrition professor from Tufts University, Boston.
To convince you if you consume enough vitamin E with, remember some of the recommendations below:
1. Eat foods that contain lots of vitamin E such as nuts, all the wheat, and a bottle green, which leaved vegetables are the main source of vitamin E.
2. Supplements. Not possible to obtain 100 to 400 IU from food alone. Even though olive oil, as one of the best sources of vitamin E, contains only 1.74 IU per one tablespoon. To get 100 IU, you need to drink 31 / 2 cups of oil per day jaitun. Instead of adding supplements to meet the recommended amount, Dr suggestions. Blumberg.
3. Quick tip. Because vitamin E can slow the blood bookkeeping, talk to the doctor before you consume vitamin E supplements if you take medicine or have any blood dilution bleeding problems.
Benefits of Vitamin E
Label: VitaminOvercoming Stress While accumulate Jobs
Feeling very terbeban time must go to the office? Perhaps it is a problem for which you are currently working. Indeed, the work is not fun. Often we feel we do not have a job utmost. An unfinished work, come again another job. It does not have time to relax, head feels full and membayangkannya are already creating stress.
This is indeed unavoidable. But remember that health is the most important, because the mind is tense can damage your health. Rather than continue to feel depressed you with this, you can do so the following tips can reduce the burden of thought.
Stop complain
If we continue to just complain about the job we thought we would be depressed and will not work also is not finished? Try looking a little positive value that can be taken, just consider this study as a means for you. Or think about things that will be interesting when you do receive salaries.
Determine priorities
Indeed, we can not do the job all at once, then specify where the former is more important and must be completed. Do not think of another job, because you will create a concentration subject to slow and more work done.
Stay and rest rileks
You Sesibuk any, at day break, use the most of the time to relax. When possible, use your break time to sleep at least 15 minutes. This can make your body and mind more fresh.
Eat nutritious food
Do not forget to keep your attention to food nutrition in order to remain tercukupi. Adequate nutrition can make the body more healthy and vibrant. Keep consume enough fruit.
Return on time
If the job can be done tomorrow and you are not required overtime, return on time. This will help you get more time to relax and unwind with the family.
Requested leave and refreshing
When you are very tired, try to ask your leave. Use your vacation to visit the places you like, such as roads to the mountains or the beach. When possible, Engage children or your family to vacation together.
Find another job
This is one of the options if you feel it is not longer perform your job. Try to find another job that is different and you like. But first consider this case with previously cooked.
Tea slows brain cell damage
Label: Drink healthScientists find catechin, tea natural compound that protects cells from the brain damage is the formation of protein for many years and maintain the cognitive ability of the brain.
Tea is already known since long to keep nutritious health. According to various studies, there are at least 450 compound in the tea from the caffeine, various types of antioxidants, and vitamins known to be beneficial for the body.
Much research has been evidence that reveal how the tea habit will make someone stay healthy and in shape. One is the latest research that the scientists of Singapore origin. During the four years doing research, the scientists infer that for a cup of tea either because of slow brain cell damage and maintain the power still remember the sharp in old age. This research is the long list of benefits to tea.
"Each type of tea will yield the same benefits," said Prof Ng Tze Pin from the Ministry of Health Drugs For Life National University of Singapore to The Sunday Times, as dilansir BBC News, Thursday (13 / 4).
The scientists found that catechin, the natural compound that protects cells from the brain damage is the formation of protein for many years and maintain the cognitive ability of the brain. "Tea is cheap, not toxic, is consumed and the wider community," cetus Tze Pin.
According to scientists, the caffeine in tea, unlike that found in coffee, because it contains natural protein theanine. This substance is able to fight side effects of caffeine, such as increased blood pressure, headache, and fatigue.
The report says, the brain cell damage caused by a combination of loss of nerve cells, the influence of genes, mild stroke, and increase the degree of protein damage. Sometimes, people with lead in demensia (disease interference cognitive function due to damage in the brain due to age factors or other serious diseases).
Conclusion is obtained after the team scientists learn from the tea-drinking habits 2501 Chinese aged 55 years and above from September 2003 to December 2005 set. Health patients, observation period, the language used, and spatial ability of the respondents observed. Tea drinking habits were also monitored. Approximately 38 percent of the respondents it was not tea. Some 29 percent of drinking only one type of tea drinking and the rest various types of tea.
Two-thirds of the tea drinker to keep the value in test power remember two years later. Among the respondents who are not tea drinker, 35 percent have seen a decrease in the average value for two points, the data indicate that cognitive decline.
Tea, is a research, is the special factors that keep the brain cells stay healthy. However, it can not be created only with only tea. "It still requires a good habit for life and a balanced diet," Tze Pin firm.
Previously, experts from the University of Dundee, Scotland, through the latest research results, the tea can also be one way to prevent the disease diabetes. Scottish researchers is to find a similar compound in tea that has a great potential of the type 2 diabetes, or type of diabetes that most often suffer at this time. According to them, this particular compound is able to play a role as well as insulin in the body.
Experts from the University of Dundee led by Dr Graham Rena joint team from the Crop Research Institute revealed that this compound in black tea called theaflavin and thearubigin can mimic insulin function in the body.
Not only that, the latest research in France also concluded that tea is very beneficial to maintain blood vessel health and heart, especially for women.
Dr Mahmoud Zureik and colleagues from the National Institute for Medical Research of France, reported the findings that adult women who drink tea will get protection from the risk of the formation of plaque in the arterial duct in the neck. So, less likely to have a stroke and heart disease. Presumably, the benefits of tea have utmost not to be research material in various parts of the world.
- Brain cell damage caused by a combination of loss of nerve cells, the influence of genes, mild stroke, and increase the degree of protein damage.
- Compound in black tea called theaflavin and thearubigin can mimic insulin function in the body.
Obesity and Cancer Risk
Side effects excessive body weight might not directly result in poor health. But the latest research seems to prove Obesity associated with increased cases of some particular type of cancer.
According to reports from the American Institute of Cancer Research Newsletter, consuming excessive calories and weight gain that can create difficulties in the body change blood sugar into energy. When this happens, the body produces excessive insulin, which can cause the growth of abnormal cells.
Merekemondasikan consumer researchers to balance the number of calories they consume with physical activity. Also, many variations mengonsumsi food containing grains and fruits and eat at least five serving of vegetables a day. Following this suggestion is not to guarantee will not be affected by cancer, but this step is key to healthy lifestyles.
Fruit Tin Can Prevent Cancer
According to the results of medical research is broadcast daily by Al-Raya, Qatar, Saturday (5 / 1), the amount of fruit such as fruit kelengkeng but rich in calcium and potasium also benzaldehyde contain substances that are useful against cancer cells.
Tin in the fruit is sweet, it seems that also contain substances that are important to the human body because it can reduce bad cholesterol, strengthen the heart and respiratory menormalkan for patients
shortness of breath.
Fruit is also known as Ara or figs of many found in Arab countries. Fruit is easily digested by means of digestion, useful to treat difficult to defecate, useful for heart and spleen.
Fruit that taste sweet such as korma is also more similar as normal because the glut of food such as fruit korma Arab citizens so rarely include it in the list of fruits.
Research on fruit in the womb benzaldehyde Tin was actually expressed in the journals published Cure Cancer Foundation website. This website states that the research conducted by experts from the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research in Tokyo shows benzaldehyde effective in preventing tumor.
In addition, the United States Department of Agriculture revealed that fruit Tin contains a variety of nutrition from vitamins A, C, calcium, magnesium and potasium. Fruit is also good to control appetite and help decrease body weight. Tin fruit juice drinks are also good to kill harmful bacteria in a peneltian.
source: Kompas
Food Allergy Alerts
If you are allergic to a food, then our body's immune system usually produces antibiotics to prevent the food is dangerous. Every time we eat, the system that we have in the body, producing blood substances (chemical substance) that protects our bodies. Substances was usually affects the body, impact inhalation, skin and bowel-related. The symptoms that often arise are:
# It can affect our skin, such as itch-itch on our bodies, swollen and ruddy.
# We mempet Nose (difficult breathing)
# Nausea, nausea, diarrhea, and often dispose of the wind
# Nars and usually subject to attack people who have asthma disease.
If the reaction is fatal, when you eat food that you are allergic to the body, will cause death. Reactions are usually marked with a difficult to breath, low blood pressure and loss of consciousness (fainting).
If you have any symptoms as I mentioned above, check your health immediately to the doctor.
Pare (momordica charantia), Si bitter savor of Many
Plant this one famous for the bitter fruit. Yet, although bitter, pare plants that have a lot of property.
Behind the bitter taste that saved a million for health benefits. Albiminoid contain fruit, carbohydrate, and pigment. Leaves contain momordisina, momordina, quarantine, resin, oil and fat. While the root contains momordial acid and acid oleanolat. Seeds containing saponin, alkaloid, triterprenoid, and acid momordial.
Pare plants (Momordica charabtia) come from regions of Tropical Asia, but has not been ascertained at the plant since this region to enter Indonesia. Pare plants at this time have been in various areas in the archipelago.
Generally, pembudidayaan done as a business side. Pare land planted in yards, or moor, or in the former rice paddy fields as penyelang in the dry season.
There are series pare pronouncing the name of the plant, for example: paria, parea, pepareh, popare, papari, pepare, pariane, kambeh, paya, prieu, foria, pariak, paliak, truwuk, paita, poya, pudu, pentoe, beleng-gede, pania , pepule, kakariano, and taparipong.
This shows, pare plants have spread throughout the region. However, many still not yet known, pare that can be used to cure some diseases and improve human health.
What, I use plant pare?
Fruit savor
1. Dysentery
Provide 2 pare fresh fruit, washing ago cut into pieces. Add a quarter glass of water, and diblender. Seduh and PERAS. Please drink 2 times a day.
2. Urine Manis
Take 2 pare fruit, clean and lumatkan. Add half a glass of clean water. Poke and PERAS. Drink a day for 1 ingredient. Repeated for 2 weeks.
3. Penambah ASI
1 Take the fruit pare, wash clean, then boiled a few minutes. Used as lalap.
4. Blain
Pare the fruit is used as a medicine outside. Take 1 fresh fruit directly dilumatkan. Borehkan on the popular ulcer.
5. Bronchitis
Provide 2-3 pare fruits, then taken sarinya. Give 1 tablespoon honey. Drink once a day. Do for 3 months. This recipe is also good cure for anemia, gastritis, pain in your heart, painful menstruation, rheumatism, and streamline the body.
Leaf property
1. Ulcer and worms kremi
Provide leaves 1 handful fresh, given a quarter cup of water, and blender. Filtered with gauze. If necessary, add a little salt, secukupnya palm sugar, and lemon. Drinking once a quarter cup a day. Do for 1 week.
2. Childbed fever
Take 3 pare fresh leaves, wash clean, and lumatkan. Add a glass of water and a little salt, and seduh. PERAS and filter, and drink 2 times a day as many as half a glass.
3. Penambah ASI
2 leaves provide heat pare some time ago. Kompreskan on the breast.
4. Pain in your heart
Provide pare 6 grams of fresh leaves, 5 grams rimpang temulawak, and 110 ml of water. Boil all ingredients for 15 minutes, then filtered with gauze, and PERAS. Drink once a day. Repeat for 2 weeks.
5. Hair Subur
Take some leaves pare fresh sheets, wash clean remas-remas ago. Enough to be smeared scalp of children.
6. Cough
Undecided 7 pare fresh leaves, then seduh with 2 tablespoon water. After that, PERAS and filtered. Drink 2 times a day.
7. Scar
Wash clean pare handful of fresh leaves, and lumatkan. Add a little hot water, and PERAS. Perasan water mixed with 2 tablespoon of rice flour, and poke up evenly. Borehkan on the scar every day.
8. Hemorrhoids
Take 5 pare fresh leaves, add a quarter cup of water, boil and PERAS. Take 3 spoons perasan this water, then mixed with a glass of liquid yoghurt. Drink every morning.
9. Infertility
Provide 27 grams pare fresh leaf extract, 7 grains of black pepper, 3 cloves garlic, and 27 grams palm sugar. All materials dilumatkan, and add a glass of water. Boil and PERAS. Perasan drinking water every day for 3-4 months.
10. Skin disease
Make 1 cup leaf extract pare. How, take 3 pare leaf blade plus one-half cup water. Boil and PERAS. Perasan water mixed with a sari spoon orange juice. Drink once a day.
11. Rabun night
Sari leaves pare be smeared around the eyes.
Property Roots
1. Dysentery amoeba
Take a handful pare root, add a glass of water. Boil and PERAS. Drink once a day.
2. Hemorrhoid
Take the root of pare, wash clean, then lumatkan. Oleskan this herb in the pile.
Radiation Ponsel Making Children's emotional
For the mother-the mother of the middle, should reduce the use of mobile phones. This can cause children to become emotional.
A study conducted by researchers at the University of California, United States (UCLA) on 13,000 children at school age. In research is that children born of mothers who frequently use mobile phones during pregnancy has harmful behaviors such as hiperaktif and difficult to control emotional. In addition, children also have difficulty in socializing with friends.
From the research that found 54 percent of children born of mothers who frequently use mobile phones during pregnancy.
Detikhot Quoted from The Independent, 80 percent of children suffer interference behavior earlier. 25 percent of them have difficulties in controlling the emosinya. 34 percent of them have difficulty socializing. 35 percent of children hiperaktif.
This earlier caused by radiation from mobile phones cause interference in the biological growth in the fetus while in the womb. Therefore, it is recommended for pregnant women to reduce the frequency bands using a mobile phone.
Create a Healthy Breakfast Child
Breakfast is not only required of adults, but also children who are in a period of growth, and move on. Quality and breakfast clear pattern is very important as well with breakfast, children, akan tercukupi needs than gizi also have enough energy to activity, both physical and brain such as thinking, learning, and concentrating.
As disclosed nutrition expert who is also Chairman of the Department of Nutrition Sciences Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia (FKUI) from Sri Sukmaniah, MSc, SPGK (K), healthy breakfast for children should follow the pattern of eating well-balanced composition of 60-68 percent carbohydrate, 12-15 percent protein , 20-25 percent fat, and 10-15 grams of fiber. In addition, the portion of breakfast also achieve at least 20 to 25 percent of the total calorie ration for one day.
"Therefore, a healthy breakfast for children 6-12 years ideally consist of grains or whole wheat, fruits or vegetables, nuts, or products such as tempe turunannya year and susu or other animal products," said the Sri meet the press in Jakarta on Tuesday (10 / 6) last week.
For the portion of the distribution of calories, Sri light, breakfast included 20-25 percent of the total dietary needs during the day. Lunch and dinner each 30 percent, while food distraction can be done two times with portions of each 10 percent.
Breakfast food can be a change so that children akan morning tercukupi energy until noon. Carbohydrate source also does not have rice, the cereal like wheat or oat or olahannya products also can be a substitute for rice.
Grains or cereals is the ideal choice for breakfast because the completeness of the actual nutritional value and kepraktisannya. Cereals made from natural ingredients and contain more fiber than the various vitamins. Thus, the cereals will be sufficient not only needs energy, but many essential vitamin. Breakfast cereals to choose the means that already meet the adequacy of calories than a quarter of the adequacy of the vitamin, and fiber.
For children, Sri also suggested that breakfast should not share too much because the portion of the system akan pencernaannya. "Stomach feel full of pain so that the activity can be disrupted," he said.
Breakfast Tip Preparing Children:
1. Prepare the breakfast menu healthy & nutritious balanced.
2. Select a breakfast menu and a practical range from various types of food.
3. Breakfast does not have rice. Cereals, bread, potatoes, and noodles can be an alternative.
4. Susu olahannya or results, such as yogurt is recommended.
5. Can be equipped with fresh fruit or a diblender
6. Give water to drink enough
7. Also provide the opportunity for children to plan and prepare sarapannya.
Beware, Vitamin Can Be toxic
Children in infancy require additional vitamins if acquisition of the Feed inadequate nutrition needs. But do not give additional vitamin too much, because it can turn into toxic, especially vitamins A, D, E, and K.
Vitamin A, which functions to maintain the growth and development take place normally. This vitamin helps bones, and improvement of the network, maintaining health skin, eyes and immune response.
Naturally there are lots of vitamin A in milk, cheese, eggs, green and orange vegetables such as carrots, taro, and pumpkin.
Next is a vitamin B, consisting of B2, B3, B6 and B12 metabolism expedite the work, energy production and circulatory system and nerve. Best source of vitamin B is a meat, chicken, fish, nuts, eggs, milk, cheese, and soybean pod.
Vitamin C is very closely related with the health skin, muscle and tissue fastener. This type of vitamin idol producers are additional food. Although many of the circulating vitamin C the most expensive to the cheapest, but the natural source of citrus, strawberry, kiwi, tomatoes and green such as broccoli , still the best.
In the growth and development of children, vitamin D is absolutely necessary to produce the bones and teeth strong and healthy, and help the body absorb calcium. Best source of vitamin D are milk, cheese, yogurt, yolk, and fish oil.
While the muscles healthy and strong and the production of red blood cells is very dependent iron from the Feed. Lack of iron can interfere with the growth in adolescence, especially in children of women who start the cycle menstruasi. Main sources of iron are red meat, turkey, pork, spinach, pea, and plum.
Do not give additional vitamin because it is too much change can be toxic. Despite your children are easy to swallow pills or syrup, but once again is the best source of vitamins from food.
The Greng with Vagina Spa
Organ intimate women need special treatment. There are ways that can be ancient, that is, the vagina spa. This treatment can prevent and overcome "keputihan", maintain immunity intimate organs, as well as provide virginitas sensation, and to improve the sexual passion.
Therapy V-spa takes approximately 2-3 hours. Not only spoiled the intimate organs, but almost the entire body. How does this sequence therapy? Let's see!
1. Consultation
Every care and maintenance of health needs analysis first. Early consultation with experts to be important to know the general condition of the woman. One of them to see if there is a specific disease associated with organ intimate. At this stage all the problems and desires can be participants therapy. Then therapeutist will provide technical guidance on the care and benefits.
2. Vulva Hygiene
Before therapy is started, the intimate hygiene be the first focus. Treatment begins with cleaning the dirt from the vulva vagina with warm water wash containing herbal and aromatic oil.
3. V-Scrubing
Then the area around the intimate organs, such as bending thigh, stomach area, and buttocks, and areas that tend to be dark skin areas such as the axilla and breast, rubbed with spices such as scrub of sandalwood, aromatic roots, and roses. Scrub is useful to lift dead skin cells, refine skin and mencerahkan.
4. Massage bioenergi
Let rileks body, smooth blood circulation, stamina and body vagina increase, followed by treatment aroma therapy massage. Pemijatan bioenergi with this technique is done on the entire body, especially the musculature basis pelvis.
5. Bathing jar
Done massage, followed berendam in a large jar containing the hot water ditetesi essential oil. While berendam, the therapy led to do meditation movement.
Movements that include muscle contraction to take basic pelvic, waist, in the thigh, outside thigh, knee, foot, vagina and the muscles. Step by step this is done with the breath while managing to feel really comfortable in the whole body. In this concentration, taste it, breath and walk over.
6. V-Steam (evaporation)
To merilekskan, smooth flow of blood around the vagina, and cause to fall by excess mucus in the vagina, vagina conducted steam. V-Steam be in a position to sit and open tebar feet. Then the area around the intimate organs given warm vapor (steam) coming from the herbal ingredients and essential oils.
7. V-compress
To complete it, in a warm, herbal ingredients that have been packed as tea-bag, dikompreskan on the vagina and surrounding areas. Function as a tonic or brace to increase stamina vagina, antiinfeksi, and reduce inflammation or pain, if any.
8. V-fogging (fumigation)
Fumigation is done with the spices from burning black root, root, fragrant, and sandalwood in a heated vaporizer. This step is useful to improve stamina vagina, as antiseptic and keep the humidity vagina.
9. In the treatment of
As in the treatment of, provided two different kinds of natural ingredients that work to improve stamina, is antiseptic, and body heat. Indonesia ingredients can be selected, for example, turmeric and temulawak, or Chinese herb.
Choosing Nutritious Medicine Strategy
In an emergency, the existence of drugs that are inserted into the P3K akan very helpful. However, many types of medication for every complaint that circulate in the market. Not help, but we would choose the confusion, which is right for us. How do I choose the medicine that nutritious?
First, the content is generally free of drug combination of substances-substances that-it also. Headache medicine does not contain aspirin if the pain can make an ulcer, so paracetamol. For a cold usually contain antihistamin klorfeniramin maleat or desklorfeniramin maleat that can make sex and dekongestan as fenilpropanolamin hidroklorida or fenilefrin hidroklorida, which sometimes make the heart throb and the blood pressure rise.
Of cough medicine containing desktrometorfan hidrobromida which sometimes combined with ekspektoran, such as gliseril guayakolat. Ulcer drugs antasida at most, usually a combination of aluminum magnesium hidroksida and hidroksida, which sometimes causes constipation or diarrhea. Menstrual pain medication generally contain acid mefenamat can mengiritasi stomach. Asthma medications contain teofilin and efedrin. Substance which is called the last pulse can cause heart and blood pressure rise.
So if you pengidap ulcer pain and a headache when you, choose the medicines that contain paracetamol (asetaminofen), which do not contain aspirin. Similarly, if you have a toothache, muscle pain, aches or mild pain-up to being another. (Drugs antinyeri will not be effective for pain heavyweight caused kidney stones, gall stones, or cancer.)
If you work as drivers or carpenters who operate engine, do not use cold medicines that contain antihistamin, because akan nod. When you cough dry, use dekstrometorfan, whereas if the cough berdahak, use only black for a cough. What combination dekstrometorfan and glycerol guayakolat a strange logic. Pressing excitatory Dekstromterofan cough, while gliseril guayakolat thus dilute mucus and stimulate coughing, which aims to facilitate the actual expenditure mucus.
While pengidap asthma or hypertension, do not use efedrin, teofilin use only.
Second, choose the only substance you need. Remember, that any substance which is called on the fact that drugs are toxic. Be careful with the term "flu", which describes the actual set of symptoms. The disease itself can be cold (common cold) or influenza.
Both were caused by a virus, but from a different species. For both there is no medicine that can kill virusnya. The only drugs that alleviate symptoms. It will heal itself after 3 - 5 days by the body's immune patients.
So if you only cough flu, the drugs do not drink until that contain paracetamol. If your flu hot and cold, does not need to drink dekstrometorfan. Explicit example, a medicinal product "influenza," a cold (common cold), headache, cough, fever, pain in the muscles. From its contents, this nyatalah drugs designed to combat symptoms of flu: fever, headache, runny nose, cough and berdahak.
If you only suffer headaches or muscle pains, Is you enter the many toxic substances that are not needed in your body, other than asetaminofen? Can be the headache or muscle you recover, but you'll nod as dekslorfeniramina maleat, or pulse because caffeine and fenilpropanolamina hidroklorida. This is important, not only the drug indication, but also the composition of the medicine.
Third, konsultasilah first to the doctor because there is a dangerous drug interactions. For example, if you suffer PJK (coronary heart disease) and is in treatment for antipembekuan blood, and you take aspirin for headaches, bleeding can occur spontaneously.
How does the pimple medicine? The bacteria Corynebacterium acnes plays an important role in the occurrence of whelk. When the pimple you never recover, in addition to attention to skin hygiene and spread cream antijerawat, ask your doctor for meresepkan oral antibiotics, such as tetrasiklin, either erythromycin, doksisiklan or minosiklin.
Saliva Healing the Human Heart Can
Who thought the village customs in the past that lap skin disease that was useful. Recently, the Dutch researchers have identified a substance in human saliva that accelerate wound healing.
Team of researchers found that histatin, a small protein in saliva previously only be trusted to kill the bacteria, is also responsible for wound healing. Results of research is reported in The Journal of Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) new edition.
Research that promises hope to people suffering from chronic wounds related to diabetes and other disturbances, and wound traumatis and burns. In addition, as might be produced in bulk, has the potential for substances such as alcohol and antibiotic cream scrub.
"We hope our findings will eventually benefit people who suffer a wound that never healed, such as ulcer and the wound in the leg due to diabetes, and treatment for injuries caused trauma such as burns," said Menno Oudhoff, the first author the report, as quoted Xin .
"This study not only answers the questions about why animal biology menjilati their wounds," said Gerald Weissmann, Chief Editor of FASEB Journal. The research also explains why wounds in the mouth, such as dental retraction after injury, recovered far more quickly than the wounds on the skin and bones.
Source: Antara
The disease Smokers!
Humans are strange, but for the damage brought on the course always favors to get it, enjoy, even though he was fully aware that life is very dangerous.
Damage and bring it favors antaralain have on cigarettes, suck the smoke always sought the habitue.
Warning "Smoking can cause cancer, heart attacks, and Impotensi Disorders Pregnancy and fetus" in each packet of cigarettes apparently not enough to represent diseases that threaten the smoker. Research by the United State last surgeon General, the U.S., there are 10 shows the type of cancer caused by smoking.
They also found that male smokers die 13.2 akan years younger than non-smokers. While women smokers die 14.5 years younger.
Here is a list of diseases that threaten the smoker:
Brain: a major cause of cigarettes stroke.
Eyes: smokers at risk three times higher, which caused suffering cataract blindness.
Mouth, throat, vocal cords, and esofagus: cause mouth cancer, throat, vocal cords, and esofagus.
Also, gum disease, cold, and dry throat.
Gigi: smokers at risk 10 times higher suffering periodontitis (gum burn that leads to infection), which will damage the network and fine bone.
Lung: female smokers 13 times more likely affected by lung cancer, while men's 23 times bigger. The other due to pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma, chronic cough, and asthma.
Heart: heart failure, heart attack, hypertension, stroke.
Stomach: stomach cancer and stomach cancer.
Kidney: kidney cancer.
Pancreas: fatal pancreas cancer.
Urine bag: cancer urine bag.
Neck womb: womb neck cancer.
Pregnancy: sterility, babies born premature, less weight, respiratory disturbances.
Bones: the bones brittle.
Blood: leukemia or blood cancer.
There are many more diseases that smokers can put us here, all of which can cause death in certain, but once again the odd man ...... , it is still sought and be hunted?
Success Quit Smoking
For most smokers, smoking is not more pleasure from the objects found in smoke. But simply because of habit. These conditions are likely to be abandoned difficult.
However, the behavior of experts from the Faculty of Health at Harvard University have succeeded in preparing a guide that can help someone stop smoking
1. Replace the regular consumption of cigarettes with the brand in the lower tar and nikotinnya uterus, several weeks before the date to stop smoking. This affects the pattern of smoking behavior.
2. Reduce consumption of cigarettes in a day. Do not spend a single stem up to run out of cigarettes, and do not in menghisapnya-in. Call the main idea is to reduce the dependency of the body systems work under the influence of nicotine.
3. Defer an hour to light a cigarette, when the desire arises smoking. Sibukkan themselves with some of the urgent. Merokoklah only if you really want to. Do not smoke as automatic activities.
4. Set the time you smoke only on the odd day or single, every day. For example, you decide odd hours, so you'll only be smoking at 9, 11, 13, 15, ff ... Plan since the morning, how many cigarettes you smoke a akan consumption.
5. Set your eating patterns so that a habit of smoking. For example, drinking segela susu smoke every time the desire arises.
6. Do not empty the ashtray. An ashtray full of make you remember that have spent a lot of cigarettes.
7. No need to provide the relative amount of smoking in many. Do not carry cigarettes on the go. Make yourself difficult to get cigarettes when you want to taste the smoke appears.
Smoke of Cigarettes Can Harm Hair
In fact this article has made me old, and I give to you all again, as a result of the danger of cigarettes. Hopefully useful for all of us.
We already knew with the danger of cigarettes can disrupt respiratory, cancer and heart disease, but the danger of cigarettes was also an impact on the hair.
Scientists have been researching that cigarette smoke can cause
In 2008, has examined as many as 740 men, people in Taiwan, aged around 40 to 91 years, where the average male Asian lower-level kebotakan generation to generation. After examined from the family tree, researchers find kebotakan level of hair occurred in smokers who continue to smoke cigarettes.
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Bananas, the benefits of a million
Imagine how it had become brothers William, the holder of various degrees pertandingan tennis champion daughter of the world? In addition to the mumpuni skill, stamina of the body that is prime key for them to remain superior in the field. Imagine! Sometimes brothers have to make it to Williams for more than 6 minutes to win the match!
If you observe carefully, Feed is a nutrient most favorite athletes of the world tennis is a banana! Yes, a banana savior for them. Banana mempu easily absorbed body and restore their energy peak.
In general, the nutrient contents in each ripe bananas are as follows: calories 99 calories, 1.2 grams protein, 0.2 grams of fat, carbohydrate 25.8 milligram (mg), 0.7 grams fiber, 8 mg calcium , phosphorus 28 mg, 0.5 mg iron, 44 RE vitamin A, 0.08 mg Vitamin B, Vitamin C 3 mg and 72 grams of water.
Gynecology bananas very much, consisting of minerals, vitamins, carbohydrates, fiber, protein, fat, and others, so that when people only consumed bananas course, is the minimal gizi.
Select the Best Qualified Banana!
Choose bananas that are ripe, the skin is yellowish green with The speck brown or yellow, because this will be easily digested, sugar and fruit turn into glucose quickly diabsorbsi naturally in the blood circulation, the raw banana akan difficult digested.
Various Benefits of Bananas
Source of Labor Strength
Bananas can be easily digested, the sugar found in fruit is turned into a good source of energy quickly, and that it is good in the formation of the body, for working muscles, and very good for a tired feeling.
Benefits for pregnant women
Bananas are also recommended for pregnant women consumed because it contains acid folat, that is easily absorbed through the womb fetus. However, do not be too redundant, because one banana contains about 85-100 calories.
Benefits for People with Anemia
Two bananas are eaten by anemia patients each day is enough, because it contains Fe (iron) level.
Benefits to the stomach and bowel disease
Pisang susu mixed liquid (or glass of milk included in the liquid) can dihidangkan as medicine in cases of intestinal disease. Can also be recommended for patients stomachache and Cholik to neutralize stomach acidity.
Banana dihidangkan as a defense against inflamasi because Vitamin C can be quickly processed. He transform Bacillus Bacillus become dangerous in a friendly. Thus, both akan tertolong.
Pure banana or banana cream (such as for baby food), can be consumed by patients suffering from diarrhea.
Benefits for People with lever
People with good disease lever mengonsumsi banana added two spoons of honey, akan increase appetite and make strong.
Benefits for Heart Burn
Banana leaf can be used for the treatment of burned skin in a way dioles, a mixture of banana leaf ash added coconut oil has cool skin.
Dehydration is a term used to signify the lack of body fluids. The condition is caused by the loss of excessive body fluids. Also called dehydration with anhidrasi, deaquasi, or hipohidrasi.
The lack of body fluids can occur in people with muntaber, high fever, and others. Expenditure fluid is usually accompanied by loss of salt and minerals in the body.
How many body fluids is reduced to dehydration can be called?
Human body weight consists of approximately 60 percent fluid.
Each day, about 1.7 liters of fluid is removed through the urine and about 100 mililiter issued through the intestine. Expenditure liquids other one liter of going through the sweat and respiratory.
Loss of fluid will be replaced by a fluid obtained from the consumption of food and drink as much as three liters a day. On a very hot weather, people will need to drink more as a compensation of liquid that is also more out of the body through evaporation. When the liquid is more outgoing than incoming, the dehydration was the case.
Symptoms of dehydration vary. In the dehydration by the sense of light that is very thirsty so stimulate penderitanya to continue drinking. When water demand is not met, the dehydration dideritanya akan increasingly heavy.
When dehydration occurs a heavy, deep-set eyes become. In addition, the skin becomes elastic, so when not dicubit, bekasnya not quickly return to the original form. Symptoms can be easily seen on the skin of the belly.
In conditions of dehydration that can not be repaired by others and not, people will be decreased awareness, shock occurs that can cause death. Therefore, in cases of dehydration will need a good handling. Moreover, in the case of infants and children, need extra attention. What, they are very vulnerable to dehydration.
Mild dehydration can be overcome with their own ways to drink as much as possible until people do not feel thirsty again. We suggest that, given the form of a liquid solvent as electrolyte salt oralit. When oralit not available, can be replaced with a sugar-salt solution is made. How pembuatannya is melarutkan with one teaspoon of sugar and salt to sejumput in 200 cc water. If dehydration is not improved, patients need to be given fluids through infus
Omega 3 Fish Reduces Heart Health Threats!
Evidenced in the urban communities tend to have high-fat eating pattern, but low-saturated fat is not saturated. As a result, exposed to the risk of coronary heart disease (PJK) to be high. Maybe it's time you called the movement of fish?
From the results of the RI Department of Health survey revealed that the prevalence of PJK in Indonesia from year to year continue to increase and followed by increasing the number of deaths.
Previous PJK prevalence ranks 9th and dangerous disease that ranks as the 4th cause of death. But eight years later (tahun1980) PJK prevalence ranks to-6, and the sequence of 3 as a cause of death.
Even now (in 2000-an) can be ascertained that the cause of death in Indonesia shifted from infection to disease disease kardiovaskuler (among others, PJK) and degeneratif.
Eating Patterns
Survey results and analysis of the World Health Organization cooked (WHO) shows the trend is not only going to happen in Indonesia or in a developing country which is very rapid development, but also a serious problem in almost all countries.
This, among others, caused by the increased standard of living and social economy, the direct or the pattern does not change the pattern of life and especially the food. Even according to the WHO and the Ministry of Health RI, at this time may be only 50 percent who still pendudukIndonesia consume food that is called four basic food groups like fruits, vegetables, grains, low-fed meat, nuts and the like.
Moderate consumption of refined foods such as food, among others, the more popular fast food is very rich in fat, have been increasing in number. Changes in the pattern of life that directly and tidaklangsung change this pattern of eating is the cause of the increased risk of high PJK. Cases of disease, particularly kardiovaskuler PJK, prevalence is much higher in cities than rural communities. This change has been felt since 20 years ago One of the Obesity Threat as a result the pattern of living and eating pattern community is urban Obesity or overweight. Uncontrollable obesity is a logical result of the increased socio-economic, especially if the previous lack of self. Indeed, there are also Obesity caused by other factors such as offspring.
Obesity can be uncontrollable examplizeing as follows. For example, high 160cm body, according to the calculation of maximum weight is only (160-100) kg x1 = 60kg. However, because of uncontrollable circumstances by a rebound weight 70 or 80 kg, even more.
Excess weight only 2 kg in the health sector will bring a lot of harmful effects, especially when the excess above 10 kg.
Obesity patients have higher risk of disease kardiovaskuler. But do not forget, they have a pattern of life relaxed, eating a lot, and heavy smokers do not like sports (or sports minimaljalan foot heart healthy) and they will be easily exposed to disease kardiovaskuler. The uterus, among others, increased cholesterol level. Obesity due to smoking in many, especially suffering from diabetes, fell ill aterosklerosis akan easy.
Of several high risk factors that can cause someone infected PJK, the pattern of living and eating patterns determine the risk factors.
Maybe it's time you called the movement of fish? Omega 3 Tenggiri has long been recognized by experts that the nutrition and health patterns of living and eating patterns in the urban communities tend to contain more saturated fat and no more or less saturated fat.
Fish is a natural source of Omega 3 that is asamlemak EPA and DHA, which works to prevent aterosklerosis (especially EPA). Both can significantly decrease the degree trigliserida in the blood and lower cholesterol content in the liver and heart.
Measure fatty acid Omega 3 in some species of fish in the sea waters of Indonesia in the range of 0.1 - 0.5 g/100 g of fish flesh. Of course there are several other species of fish outside the waters of Indonesia, especially those living in the area temperata (cold season). Sardine fish, such as Japan have a degree of fatty acid Omega 3 to 31,174 g/100 g, while some species of fish in the waters of Thailand would have a low level around 0084 g / 200 g.
Environment where the fish are growing and developing, have been very influential to the degree / womb Omega 3 fatty acid.
From the data that has been issued by the Nutrition Institute Ministry of Health RI, several types of fish has womb Omega 3 fatty acid levels (up to 10.9 g/100 g) sidat such as fish, terubuk, tenggiri, kembung, layang, Bawal, seren, slengseng, tuna and so on.
Sate Causes Cancer?
Food that is burned can cause cancer, what is? According to some research, there are two types of compound that causes cancer can form during food toaster, namely polisiklik aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and amino heterosiklik (HCA).
PAH (mainly benzopiren) in the form of smoke and found in the surface of the meat, but can be easily cut off the surface with pengerikan food baked or burned.
HCA is found in meat. HCA is caused when the meat is cooked in high temperatures, which can occur when food fried, baked, or burned.
But do not worry, if your fans sate, grilled fish or barbecue, you can minimize the risk of exposure to the cancer process the meat properly. There are some important tips when baking foods.
1. Before burnt or roasted, first rendam in flavor to the meat. This will make the meat more tender so that it reduces the time toaster.
2. Or, you can also cook beforehand to make it more easy memanggangnya. The process also aims concoction of fat so that when baked, will be less fat and that will cause smoke that can be dangerous.
3. Often distort so that the meat does not burn.
4. Do not cook directly on charcoal.
5. Remove the meat because that become scorched.
Source: SuaraMerdeka
Subtle skin with the Waxing Sugaring
Unwanted hair such as hair or feathering in the legs, bending arms, bikini line or feathering fine in the face, arms, and part of the eyebrow or the whole face, often making women less confident. Therefore, the various hair removal techniques Dilirik. One is waxing with sugar.
Waxing is one of the techniques of hair or feather-down in the body. In with sugaring waxing, basic materials used are liquid sugar that is mixed with various natural materials such as honey, lemon. Sugaring techniques hygienical because this one-time only. In addition, a sugaring of this nature are also only stick to the fur or hair shaft, and not skin, so it does not feel pain when lifted.
Equipment easy. Material is the main sugar liquid, wax paper, baby powder so easy to fluff up, after wax lotion to prevent irritation and cool skin, and antiseptic liquid to clean the body that will be sugaring. "The benefits of this treatment is the skin feels more smooth and clean so that clients make more confident," said Nine Wahab, owner of Bloom Women Spa, located in the Proclamation, this Central Jakarta.
The process is also very easy. First, the section will be cleaned with water waxing antiseptic. After that, be lubricated powder to separate the hair or feathering of one another. Then the section will be smeared sugaring treatment. And the cloth on the wax to be placed before sugaring. "Pain pain during withdrawal feels like wax cloth bitten ant only. The tow cloth quickly, the pain was minimal," he added.
The parts that can be waxed, among others, fulles, half leg, full arm, half arm, under arm, bikini area, such as intimate friends, Brazillian and Hollywood, and upperlips and face. "The length depends on the treatment of hair texture or fluff and also the part where you want to be sugaring. Appointment with sugaring can survive 4-6 days, depending on each person. Hair or fluff in the sugaring-akan grow more subtle. When done regularly, will slowly diminish. Even for some cases will be lost at all, "he explained.
For the case of a very sensitive skin or who are clients coming months-at the time of this hormone and the skin becomes more sensitive than the usually-red akan arise due to irritation. This can diminimalisir with after wax lotion is useful to cool the skin and irritation. Anyone can try this technique, except that they just do plastic surgery or the process pengelupasan skin with laser or medicine that is quite hard.
(Genie / Genie / tty)
Sensational Face
Forget moment as a quick way to get botoks beauty and skin tension face. Now, using the nutritional essence of a bird nest swallow (bird nesk mask) as a face mask, the result was satisfactory.
Ignore vitamin swallow bird nest to face skin tension should not you do. Beauty Center at the CBC, Jalan Wijaya II, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta, sari swallow bird nest material is used as a mask of face care. Bird nesk mask in this vitamin C, nutrition natural collagen, and protein.
Bird''nesk favorite mask so customers CBC because vitaminnya may understate the actual pore-pore, maintaining skin elasticity, and slows be old early on the skin face,''said PR Manager CBC Beauty Center, Yhona Natashia, in Jakarta.
Natasha Yhona the familiar disapa add Dhea, swallow bird nest mask can also be done at home. Price''one Rp250.000 mask. Price is reasonable because the results are very maximum,''he explained, that the French origin of the face mask is a product of the output Prima e-skin.
Dhea also reminded to obtain maximum results, should do the swallow bird nest mask 4-6 times a month. ''Skin regeneration usually occurs five days once. Therefore, routine treatment that can obtain maximum results,''Dhea supplement, which recommend treatment for dry skin.
Next, how the work of swallow bird nest mask is nutrition in the mask will seep into the pore. ''It is recommended for women and men aged 20-35 years. Materials used also of side effects, so naturally there is no,''he said.
Dhea add, if nutrition is later trickle into the pore and then the crust will work to improve the order of the damaged skin from within. Care''mask is made of approximately one hour to one-time treatment,''he said that while the bird is a gold mask nesk series CBC Beauty Center.
The initial phase of treatment, clearly Dhea, is to clean the face with cleaning fluid. Next, dibasuh with water using a face spons. After the face clean, scrub therapeutist akan spread green tea while the process to make pemijatan musculature nerve rileks more.
Stress serasa melonggar when skilled hands therapeutist make a refreshing massage movement. Pemijatan this lasts approximately 10 minutes, until the step in the evaporation stage. The goal, to pore-pore face and make it easy to clean therapeutist komedo. Next is a treatment to face with the high frequency equipment.
Didiamkan after some time, said Dhea, therapeutist provide massage movement on the face and forwarded with the serum. For end-stage''is to give treatment mask sari swallow bird nest more than 30 minutes to an hour,''he said.
In addition, treatment of the face mask is a great demand, Pure Gold Masque. This treatment uses pure gold ion. Gynecology masks imported from France this can take up, refine, and prevent free radical and obscure fine wrinkling, wrinkling in the face and the area around the eyes and provides extra softness to the lips.
Usually,''this mask is recommended for women and men who often beraktivitas outside the room. Special pelembabnya Gynecology located in the ion emasnya make the skin much faster and provide protection against free radicals,''said Dhea, who said the cost of treatment is once Rp325.000 come.
However, the Dhea than routine care in order to obtain maximum results, should also be set healthy lifestyle such as sleeping eight hours a day and night routine exercise.
Meanwhile, the Director of the Professional Beauty Association, said Bonadeo, body care trends also continue to progress. This means that treatment is sought is unique. ''The celebrities who participate in a unique treatment using increasing consumer interest,''augment him.
So, now you are free to choose treatment with two unique functions, which is sensational and feel derasnya adrenalin that terpacu during a beauty ritual. (Koran SI / SI Koran / ftr)
After restore the Energy Working
TIMES frequently feel tired you have to work on the office clock is still long. Last time to rest still in the distant future. This is certainly reduce your productivity and performance.
You need to know the tip to restore the energy after working all day. Next day, ready to stack your office work with more spirit and energy, such as The Sun quoted.
Enough sleep and quality
Adequate and quality sleep is necessary to restore the energy and prepare the next day. To get quality sleep, make sure the room has adequate ventilation, and the bed comfortable cushion of time ditiduri, and lighting that is not too light.
Appear beautiful
When awakened from sleep in the morning, look in the mirror at myself and say that you are an extraordinary and special. Confidence this will give a positive energy, so you skip a day feels more comfortable. Alternatively, each morning 10 reasons why you think so extraordinary, in order to achieve happiness and pride with what you have to achieve.
Pull the breath in
Arise morning and take a little time to draw breath in. Experience the fresh air and clean the entrance to the niche your lungs. Brain akan get enough supply of oxygen so that the body more fit and berenergi. Rentangkan also your hands, like a cat who awakened from sleep. This movement is very good for your muscles so that a more vibrant days.
Consumption of healthy food and water, white
Trust the advice that mothers Feed breakfast food is most needed and most main body for the event day. Choose the type of nutritious food for both breakfast menu. Make sure you also drink a lot of white water all day long.
There is no one you park the vehicle a little further from the office. Continue on foot to reduce the risk of osteoporosis and smooth circulation of blood. So, your body does not easily faint.
Special needs children Style Show
ANY parents want their child's life can appear normal, and style. Unfortunately, not all parents can exist. No wonder if they take the trouble while his heart to the salon.
However, parents who have children now needs special need not worry the problem. KiddyCuts provide care for their hair looks.
"KiddyCuts salon is a special children. In addition to treatment of hair, we also provide games that make children feel like at the salon," said President Director KiddyCuts Cecilia okezone to the hero, after the launch of a series of hair care products in children KIDDYGEAR Gumarang Room, Hotel Ibis Tamarin, Jalan Wahid Hasyim, Central Jakarta, Thursday (16/4/2009).
Cecilia ensure all children can get the same service, not the exception of children berkebutuhan special. They are also stylish in the field in the mumpuni hairdo.
In the same place, a clinical psychologist Dra Heryanti Satyadi Msi add, children berkebutuhan special children who are significantly different in several important dimensions of kemanusiaannya. Their physical, psychological, cognitive, social, or hampered in achieving the maximum potential actualization. They have physical disabilities, such as deaf, blind, have trouble speaking, disability, until the subject mentalnya functions, such as mental retardasi.
"Children are often special berkebutuhan reluctant to cut hair in the salon. Unless they have been repeatedly the salon environment first. Therefore they should be given special preparation than normal children. For example, get him to come to that place, in the main lake, and see his friends again who cut hair, "said Heryanti.
In addition to preparation for the special child berkebutuhan, Heryanti recommend the stylish hair also provide oneself with the knowledge and sharpen sensitivity.
"Strategy for berkebutuhan special child can be done with self-management, such as patience and tolerance, empathy and understanding, support and encouragement, preparation and preparation of the heart. In addition to the management of time, ie, over-expression does not need to use words with meanings indeed, and introduce the shaver and all additional equipment. Finally the management of physical, such as introducing tempo music and make beat on the table, playing with the fingers or hands of various objects, rough and soft, "accuse him.
Nature's Secret Beauty
Label: health skinBeauty identical with the skin clean and healthy. Nature provides a variety of materials appear to apprehend. Commercial fruit, chocolate, sea salt to the water.
Invasive technology in the current beauty of the world can not afford to replace elements of nature. Evidence the various skin care with natural products still tune. Just a scrub and buahbuahan vegetables. Treatment with the beauty of fruits and vegetables has a significant property. Natural materials used to make this treatment is also safe for the body.
Want to try? Martha Tilaar Salon & Day Spa is ready to spoil you with the therapy Cranberry Body Wellness Ritult. Treatment with Cranberry fruit is claimed
"We want to offer a new treatment that is of course different, and in accordance with world trends. Based on the survey, Cranberry can make the skin become more elastic and fresh," said Wulan.
Furthermore, adding that Wulan Cranberry fruit has a rather large property. He said, since the 21st century as Cranberry famous consumer product which is very attractive because it has a womb nutrition, minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. Therefore, Cranberry get the nickname as superfruit.
In addition to fruit, chocolate also has many benefits to keep skin stay smooth, smooth, and fresh. To get this treatment, it is not too difficult. For some treatment centers that use a lot of chocolate as a treatment.
Chocolate Salon & Spa, for example. At the salon, located in the area of Tebet, South Jakarta, you can enjoy a variety of chocolate sensation in your body. Owner, Rahayudi said Dewi, a visitor can do the serbacokelat care, head start to the end of the foot.
"The concept that we deliberately hadirkan serbacokelat," said Dewi, while recognizing spanya new operating ever since December. "Therefore, we still give the price promotion," sebutnya.
Why chocolate? Dewi describe, other than as a snack favorite women, chocolate that has a myriad of benefits for beauty, especially for the skin.
"Cokelat is good for the skin, making skin more healthy also feel more smooth, soft and fragrant," a woman who also has a salon in this area Mampang. Chocolate indeed contain the polyphenol antioxidants, which are also found in the fruits, vegetables, and red wine. In terms of health, antioxidants is able to reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease.
Polyphenol help delay early penuaan. In addition, chocolate is also rich in vitamins A and E are very important to repair the skin cells, skin rejuvenation and accelerate blood circulation. From outside, all the benefits of this makes the skin look more fresh and soft, and makes the skin of sweet chocolate that tempt.
Chocolate Salon & Spa embrace all of these benefits in a complete treatment package consisting of massage, lulur, masks, bath chocolate, and brown hair spa. As a bonus, customers who come will be given a welcome drink hot chocolate drink and a delicious calm.
Other natural materials that can make you appear perfect is beautiful from sea salt. For those who want to savor a special experience thalassotherapy, spa center also offers a series of therapy according to the function. Thalassotherapy package combined with hydromassage example. Beauty is only skin destination this side of the package, while the main goal is to make the body more rileks with massage and water pressure.
Again with the thalasso massage combined with aromatherapy and seaweed scrubs. Therapy in addition to this series of useful and clean skin melembutkan also able to reduce the all. The aroma therapy can improve certain body immune system, also cure insomnia.
Besides useful for health, also has benefits because the beauty is able to lift the dead skin cells that can not be ordinary soap. Therefore, this garamgaram mineral widely used as a mixture of water, paste, lotion, and spa. Some of the spa center even mengombinasikannya with scrubrumput and sea mud masks to get maximum results.
Want to enjoy? The Ritz-Carlton, Bali Resort & Spa or the Grand Mirage Resort in Tanjung Benoa area can.
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Ice Refresh Stone Face
Fruit juice will be more fresh when ditambahi ice. Not only various kinds of refreshment beverages. Hail stones can also freshen up your face. Is that the cold will make your face fresh and springy. Besides rocks, also make governance makeup does not fade quickly.
It is not surprising ice therapy is often used in the beauty world. For the bride, usually for cosmetic suggest mengompres face with ice before dirias. When the reception was held in the morning, it's good compress the face with rocks, on the night. Eventually make up guaranteed not fade quickly.
Ice also has other benefits, ie, able to close the pore-pore in the face. Clean your face before mengompres with ice cubes. After that, compress with warm water to open the pore-pore in the face so that dirt can be picked up. After that, back then compress the rocks to close the pore-pore.
Ice is also effective to eliminate dark circles and bags around the eyes. Do enough with the ear rocks, spread around the eyes. Other benefit is to prevent dry lips.
Women make Ejakulasi
Some women do not know how to reach the orgasme. Other women need more stimulus to achieve, while there are women who simply spout "juice" them.
If you and your partner has a very easy to tune in to the sexual excitement, and you want him mengeksplor Miss V to its ejakulasi, the following tips will make the "wet", as dilansir Askmen.
Previously, the distinction of meaning orgasme with ejakulasi. The same as men's, women ejakulasi also begins with the orgasme. The difference, in terms of women also appear squirting. There is a squirting equate with ejakulasi, while some other sets. But that both are equally out of the fluid in the body, and certainly not the urin.
Before he started squirting
Fluid when ejakulasi women excluded from the urethra, the same place where urin come. Clear liquid that comes out of the channel is not always urin. If the pair is not able to control the PC muscle (pubococcygeus), there is a possibility he actually spent urin. Urin fluid is often out with the same liquid ejakulasi.
Just relax and do not force the desire to keep a small waste water. Khawatirnya he refused ejakulasi and go by the board. Sekeras stimulate any area of your business vitalnya, if the pair barred, it is likely difficult for him to reach peak of sexual pleasure. So make sure he really want it.
It's good you found how to make it easy ejakulasi, be as below.
Use finger finger
Some women can ejakulasi through klitoris stimulus, or through the other sex (penetration Mr P stimulus or breast). In fact, most effective way to increase the stimulus G-spotnya is your finger.
Start with some foreplay action before you touch the area klitorisnya. When he began to stretch favors, enter your two fingers into its V-Miss. The hands you are not useful because it does not touch on the area outside Miss V is also unusual sensation.
Insert two fingers as deep as one to two inches. There you will strike a ball round in the skin. That is the area G-spotnya. Continue to attack this area with the pressure and see the reaction to couple the middle of what you do.
How, use other hand to press down with the soft area between the navel and his Mons pubis. Action is to increase the excitement.
If he feels you want to dispose of urine, ask him to taste it because it is only sensation, and not actually desire. Although the desire small void that can not be dibendung, make sure he is once again saying, "I can not wait for makes you 'rain' with my hands."
When he was orgasme and start ejakulasi, prepare yourself to welcome them to the spurt of clear liquid. Do not forget to set up a towel or tissue to wipe the liquid.
After that, he will likely ask for time rehat Miss V because it will be very sensitive (the same as your head after Mr P ejakulasi). So, do not pass the time while waiting for the comfort that you want to feel again.
Vibrator if necessary
Reach peak enjoyment requires some experimentation, approaches, and different positions. You may want to try to stimulate other parts of the body, while the head of Mr P you are in its V-Miss. If all is not well make orgasme or ejakulasi, you can menyarankannya to use the vibrator.
Basically, every woman capable orgasme. All is up to you how meyakinkannya that he can dispel all obstacles and eject "juice" to your vital areas.
Create Food Diversity
HEALTH child during the period of growth also influenced the level of consumption that must be parents. To avoid malanutrisi, the diversity of food consumption is recommended.
Data in 2007 indicate that the number of children under five nutrient less about 4 million children. With the number of malnutrition is 700,000 with the number of children who tertangani is 39,000 children per year.
Teacher of Food Science and Nutrition, Department of Community Nutrition and Family Resources, Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB), Prof. Dr. Ir Khomsan MS Ali menuturkan, when the children turn age is 5 years, then it is said he can choose the food. That way, parents can observe what the children want. And for parents, children should biasakan for mengonsumsi a wide range of food.
"There is no one to provide a democratic atmosphere in selecting food. The idea is diversity of food must have in every family," said the man who was born Ambarawa, 2 February 1960.
Children can choose the food they like, as long as the offset to the contents of nutrients in every food. Diversity of food that should exist in the food consumed daily.
Meanwhile, nutrition expert at the University of Indonesia, Minarto of MPS, said malanutrisi this does not occur in sudden, but slowly and through the process. That is, malanutrisi can be prevented. "Make prevention as early as possible," said nutrition expert to study the S-2 in the Philippines this.
Minarto say, how to prevent it can be re-cultivate with the child to monitor weight regularly. In addition, the provision of care is also a proprietary way to prevent the occurrence of malanutrisi. "Eat a wide range of food to start the bread tubers," he said.
Consumption of various vitamins such as vitamin A is required that can be stored in the body up to 6 months, or some of the vitamin must be consumed each day.
Nutrition Advisor infant from Nestle Nutrition Indonesia, Erika Wasito says, is the essence vitamin food. Food made of various nutrient substances that form in which protein, carbohydrate, fat and water.
"World Health Organization says that you should eat five portions fruit and vegetables each day to get vitamins and minerals that are needed," said Erika.
Erika mengonsumsi order to continue to vary the type of food, food seimbangkan with physical activity. And when choosing a diet, then choose a diet that is rich product akan grain, vegetables and fruit, low in total fat, saturated fat, cholesterol and oil, contain a little sugar and salt (sodium)
The Therapy Damage & paralysis Nerve
Stroke does not just frighten people aged dusk. Diseases that cause damage to nerve function also starts the young people. To avoid the occurrence of disability and is not functioning nerve, following some type of therapy that can be done post-stroke seizures.
Do not be fooled first when I saw a hospital has a swimming pool. Swimming pool that is usually referred to as a hydrotherapy pool, have a special function. Swimming is usually used to rehabilitate the patient's motor nerves, start post-stroke patients to the accident.
The difference with the usual swimming pool is a warm water hydrotherapy that can make the body move smoothly, accelerate blood circulation, and gives tranquility. Swimming hydrotherapy allows the patient to exercise the body without the risk of injury due to fall. Hydrotherapy swimming now be found in many hospitals, such as RSPAD Gatot Subroto, Jakarta also Fatmawati Hospital and Bethesda Hospital in Bandung.
Terapi Sonolisis (Synolysis Therapy)
This therapy is done with ultrasound techniques and without using drugs. With this therapy sumbatan expected on the broken blood vessel into small particles that are very fine (destroyed) so that it does not become a risk for the occurrence of new sumbatan-sumbatan elsewhere. This therapy can be found in Medistra Neuroscience Center.
Gymnastics Special
Stroke is a disease that cause damage to nerves that need to be treated seriously. To restore the function of muscles and nerves are not working, one way is to perform exercises specific stroke patients. Senam this works to train the muscles rigid with the movements of light and not painful for penderitanya. Gymnastics for special pascastroke found in many hospitals in big cities in Indonesia. One of them is in the Central Pertamina Hospital (RSPP).
Music therapy
Music is a universal language that has many benefits. In addition to listen to when relaxing, the music that can be used for health care, such as reducing the stress and worries.
Experts therapy using music or voice in helping patients achieve teraputik, including the mental, physical, emotional, social, and spiritual. Diligent stroke patients who listen to music every day, according to research results, it appeared that an increase in the retention verbalnya and have a better mood than patients who do not enjoy the music.
The findings are listening to music at an early stage of pascastroke power can improve cognitive recovery and prevent the emergence of negative feelings. Music therapy for people with stroke has been examined Nursing Education Respati University Jakarta.
Terapi AIUEO
In accordance with the name, AIUEO therapy is therapy that focus on the improvement of speech. Because many stroke patients lose the ability to speak because of the disturbed nerve.
This therapy has been introduced in the hospital or in the stroke rehabilitation center in kotakota large in Indonesia. It is expected that with the therapy AIUEO these patients can regain the ability to communicate.
(Koran SI / SI Koran / tty)
As You Know Insomnia Hunger
Insomnia or sleep disturbances are very comfortable with the living. However, more than that, insomnia is a high risk of Obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.
Research try to find a relationship between a little sleep with Obesity and other health issues. And now, the research will explain the reason why no relationship between them. Likewise dilansir Health24 from Reuters Health in April 2009.
Some research in the last few years has been to discuss the role of sleep overall health. Research the little sleep-whether because of a disruption due to sleep or work hours, with higher risk of Obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.
"We examine how the hormones that we think is specifically related to energy metabolism and appetite may result in sleep disturbances. This study explains why some patients experience insomnia increased body weight," said study leader Dr Sarosh A Motivala from the University of California Los Angeles.
Motivala and colleagues examine the 14 men with insomnia chronicles and 24 healthy men to spend two nights sleeping in the laboratory. The researchers use kateter to take blood samples periodically when they fall asleep. Sample of blood to measure levels of leptin hormone fluctuations and ghrelin.
The result, 30 percent among men who have sleep disturbances, hormone ghrelin levels and lower leptinnya hours sleep at night, but increased at other times throughout the day.
Please note, hormone leptin is the hormone that controls the amount of food we consumed, body weight, and appetite. While the hormone ghrelin is a hormone that arouse and stimulate hunger hungry eyes.
The decline in hormone leptin and ghrelin can stimulate appetite. So, at night these hormone levels decline, but increased by day. They will eat mengompensasikan lust in the afternoon. Unfortunately, they tend to be high-calorie food consumed a big risk in diabetes, heart disease, and Obesity.
Motivala said, he and kolegenya akan conduct similar research on women with insomnia.