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Bitter honey good for Various Diseases

. Rabu, 01 April 2009
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compete bees "competitor" or pure honey bitter that many found in West Bangka Regency, Province of Bangka Belitung (Babel), it appeared that the tourists are, as a property that is capable of healing various diseases in the human body. Marhabun, a competitor in bee pemadu Simpang Tiga Village, District Teritib, Bangka West Babylon, Sunday, said, tourists from outside the province, such as Jakarta and Palembang often came to his village only to find that honey bees opposition nutritious cure various diseases.

In addition to tourists from outside the province, he said, residents of other districts in the search for Babel also have honey bees that opposition to the village of Simpang Tiga. "Tourists often come outside the province to three Simpang Village, only to find that honey bees opponent bitter taste, different from the other honey bees," he said, and the honey bee competitor was sold at Rp120 thousand per kg, while the sweet honey bee size is around Rp40 thousand per kg .

According to him, honey bees that opposition has been able to heal various diseases such as kidney, blood, the blood is low, the interference in the stomach, weak syawat, diabetes and menetralisir poison the food lodged in the body. "I often were people who never buy honey bee competitor and confess body feels healthy since consume honey bee competitor, so the book is always on my honey bees," he said.

He explains, that the honey bee's nest in the village consists of two types of honey that is a competitor and it's bitter sweet honey. Honey competitor, according to him feel bitter because the bees suck the tree taste bitter opponent of honey bees, so it feels bitter.

"The sweet honey bee is a kind of suck on the plant or harvest fruit, honey bees, so it feels sweet," he said. According to him, honey bees is very difficult opponent and to be in Babylon, only in the Western District of Bangka, the first area of the honey bee honey bee competitor (bitter taste) and the sweet honey bee.

"Honey bees opposition came from a nest of bees nest in a number of large trees around the settlement and the time memanennya only once in a year that is in May every year," he said.
However, he said, people often fail to harvest when the rains occur in the harvest schedule because hive honey does not contain if the rainy season.

"If it happened in May dry season, the hive of honey bees opposition contains many very, reaching 30 for one kilo gram hive and many-many people find the opposition hive in the forest around the village," he said, and many mentioned the hive found in the large timber trees.

Despite difficult opponent to get the honey bee, but he said, there is still honey supply each have the most requests have come from outside the province because the honey bee competitor that has the resilience or the preservation of tens of years to reach the place as long as it closed with a meeting. "People save the honey bee competitor for many years for personal consumption and for sale if there is a meminatinya, not in spite of the amount due to many difficulties because of limited supply of honey bees to get the opposition," he said.

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