Folat acid is a vitamin essential and one of several types of vitamin B. Feed folat acid is derived from food and green vegetables and fruits. Acid folat has two main physiological effects, namely kofaktor enzyme synthesis as deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA) that play a role in cell replication and is required to change homosistein into metionin.
World Health (WHO) suggest that, adults need 400 mikrogram per day and pregnant women at least as much as 800 mikrogram per day. Dose is adjusted with the recommended daily for use by RDA (recommended daily allowance) the U.S., the number the adequacy of nutrition daily mikrogram at least 200 per day for adults and 400 mikrogram for pregnant women.
From some research that has been done, it was stated that the Feed folat acid is essential for pregnant women. Folat very important to prevent the occurrence of humans tube defect (NTD). Congenital defect occurs in babies who lack folat when the fetus is still in the mother's womb.
Czeizel research in Hungary in 1993, showed that acid folat as much as 0.4 milligram before pregnancy can reduce the risk of NTD 50 per cent. Meanwhile, Berry RJ, and research colleagues in China in 1999 found that the risk of NTD can be decreased as much as 85 percent of the way mengonsumsi acid folat of 0.4 milligram before and in early pregnancy.
Nancy S Greer's Institute of Medicine Report Food and Nutrition Board in 2002 to publish the recommendation for women age mengonsumsi acid folat as much as 400 mikrogram per day. To prevent NTD, he suggests a greater dose, ie 4000 mikrogram per day.
Blackmores reports of PT Indonesia presented the Head of Management products, Katrin Monica, describes research on the prevention of NTD in China. In 1999, with a population of 130,142 people study women, given folat acid before or during pregnancy. Meanwhile, as many as 117,689 women who do not mengonsumsi folat. All taken from the north China region and the southern part of China. Conclusion of research that states that a reduction in NTD risk of going up to 80 percent in women in northern China, and 41 percent in the southern part of China. Man''to rely as a source of food acid folat. Although humans have bacteria that produce folat in pencernaannya system, however, its contribution is relatively small,''said Monika in pemaparannya in Jakarta, some time ago. Not only that, the consumption of food folat sour natural day-to-day is relatively small, even for only 50 percent of daily needs. Meanwhile, the synthetic folat acid consumption, power serapnya reach 85-100 percent. ''In the body, acid folat reserve in store in the heart. When human mengonsumsi acid folat excessive, the body will discard the system through the urine,''sambungnya. Because of limited serapan acid folat food from day-to-day, he suggested adding folat from other sources. Source is derived from food or supplements difortifikasi acid folat the many available in the market.
Source: Republika, 26 October 2004
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