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Cholesterol is evil

. Sabtu, 04 April 2009
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Cholesterol plays an important role in the formation of membrane cells, some hormones, and vitamin D. Organ heart and make it connect to a carrier protein called lipoprotein, which makes it soluble in blood and ditransportasikan throughout the body.

So that is not stuck with the mistaken understanding about cholesterol, see the facts and myths cholesterol below.

Cholesterol is evil
Myth. In fact, cholesterol important for body function. Dr. Gullota John, chairman of the AMA Therapeutics Committee, as quoted Good Health & Medicine, says about 75 percent of the cholesterol produced by the body and 25 percent from food.

Most of the cholesterol produced by the heart and important for many processes, including the production of sex hormones and vitamin D, and for brain and nerve function. Cholesterol is joining with the protein to form lipoprotein in the bloodstream.

Added by Prof. DR. Made Astawan, MS, specialist food technology and nutrition from the IPB, although considered to be dangerous, cholesterol body still needed. The average man requires 1100 milligram cholesterol per day to maintain cell walls and other physiological functions. Of these 25-40 percent, or approximately 200-300 mg normally comes from food, the rest disintesis by the body.

All the high level of cholesterol to make your risk of disease.
Myth. The body needs cholesterol to make hormones and cell membrane. There are two types of cholesterol that must be observed, namely HDL good cholesterol and bad cholesterol (LDL).

cholesterol which forms plaque in the arterial duct and cause heart disease. Conversely, good cholesterol helps remove bad cholesterol from the blood. The higher the HDL, the better akan. The lower the LDL will also be the better.

Low-fat diet is healthful and naturally sport will help you manage your cholesterol. Medicine will help anchor the diet and not enough sports.Symptoms of high cholesterol risk can be seen.
Myth. In fact, one out of five Americans has high cholesterol. Unfortunately, many do not know about it because it is usually without symptoms.

Some people only have themselves to learn that high cholesterol after heart attack or stroke.
Not yet sure whether you have the risk of high cholesterol? Perform routine inspections cholesterol every five years starting at age 20-an. Treatment to be the only way to manage the risk of high cholesterol.
Myth. Primary ways to reduce the risk of high cholesterol is through diet, exercise, and medication. However, according Gullotta, "Better lower cholesterol naturally when you can do so." For example, pertahankan healthy body weight, do physical activity at least 30 minutes every day, and consumption of healthy food by reducing saturated fat to less than 7 percent of daily calories . Sports can lower LDL and raise HDL.

Tip other, less cholesterol consumption of 200 mg per day, reduce trans fatty acid (oil hidrogenasi), asup 25-35 grams of fiber, and increase the number of fatty acid omega-3 with a meal or fish and fish oil supplements. When diet and sports is not enough lower your cholesterol, your doctor likely will recommend the provision of drugs.
Risk high cholesterol increase the likelihood of having diabetes melitus type-2.
Fact. Risk high cholesterol may play a role in the development of some type-2 diabetes. Good cholesterol below 35 mg / dl is a risk factor diabetes. Other risk factors are excess weight, have a family history of diabetes, inactivity, and high blood pressure.

Type-2 diabetes risk, such as high cholesterol, can be reticent. You can find out until you mengalaminya. Learn your risk of diabetes. Make checks fasting blood sugar when you have excess body weight. When the normal total cholesterol, you do not risk a heart attack or stroke. Myth. In fact, even though your normal total cholesterol, less than 200 mg / dl, high LDL cholesterol or low HDL would increase the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Therefore, it is important to know all the numbers you cholesterol. To reduce the risk of disease, cholesterol checks, and do follow the doctor. Cigarettes and alcohol can affect your cholesterol.
Fact. Alcohol and cigarettes can alter cholesterol. Some research shows moderate amounts of alcohol (about one glass per day for women or two glasses for men) can raise good cholesterol. Conversely, smoking has been proven to lower cholesterol good. If you have not been previously mengonsumsi alcohol, do not start to get a positive effect on cholesterol. For, healthful diet itself can increase good cholesterol. However, if you smoke, try to stop. Will help not only cholesterol, but also will reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer

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