Often we see products, foods and beverages that contain a variety of vitamins, one of which is vitamin B12. In fact if vitamin B12 is? Perhaps only a few who already know about vitamin B12 and benefits for the body. While vitamin B12 also has a role which is very important for our health. Next a little explanation on the vitamin B12.
Vitamin B12 is one type of vitamin that dissolves in water and is part of the vitamin B complex that contains the cobalt, so-called sianocobalamin. This vitamin plays an important role in the formation of red blood cells, repairing cells and tissue that is damaged, DNA synthesis, maintenance of nerve system, and is essential for growth and development in children.
Vitamin B12 source
Vitamin B12 is found only from the food-food that comes from animals, such as meat, eggs, fish, and poultry (chicken and duck). In a small amount, vitamin B12 is found in Tempe, Defisiensi Vitamin B12 vitamin B12 Defisiensi caused by the inability small intestine to absorb vitamin B12, also because of lack of consumption of foods containing vitamin B12. If there defisiensi or vitamin B12 deficiency, it can cause anemia, inflammation on the nerve (neuritis) and dementia (a mental condition worsened).
Symptoms that will arise in case of vitamin B12 deficiency include:
Loss of appetite
It's easy to feel tired
The breath becomes short-short
Tap the heart more quickly than usual
Pale face
Who are vulnerable to defisiensi vitamin B12? Generally vulnerable to vitamin defisiensi this is the vegetarian, because vitamin B12 is found only from sources that are derived from animals. Then they have the condition malabsorpsi (small intestine to have difficulty absorbing food sari-sari), people with HIV, people who have experienced depression, women who have entered a stage of menopause, and alcohol habitue. To avoid vitamin B12 deficiency, should we often consume foods that contain vitamin B12 (preferably daily), and also consume vitamin B12 supplements, especially for the vegetarian and the people malabsorpsi. Should, from now on we diligently foods-foods that contain vitamin B12. Start this day, for later!
Source: molgen.biol.rug.nl
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