Lumbago which occurs when a stone obstruksi is in the kidney. Meanwhile, severe pain that occurs in the stomach when a stone has been moved to the ureter. Nausea and vomiting always follow a heavy pain. People with kidney stones sometimes also experience hot, cold, the blood in the urin when traumatic ureter stones, distensi stomach, pus in the urine.
In medical terms, is called kidney stones Nephrolithiasis or renal calculi. Kidney stone is a situation there are one or more stones in the pelvis or calyces of the kidney or ureter in the channel. The formation of kidney stones can occur in any part of the ureter, but usually form on most part on two kidneys, the kidneys in the urn (renal pelvis) and calix renalis. Stone can of calcium, phosphate, or a combination of acid soluble fiber that is usually in the urine.
Kidney stones vary in size, can be single or ganda. Stones in the kidney or can bowl into the ureter and kidney damage to the network. A large stone will damage the network or with the pressure caused obstruksi, so going back flow of fluid. Most kidney stones can occur repeatedly.
Is it? Kidney stones found in 1 of 1,000 people, more usually found in men (aged 30-50 years) rather than women. Also found in a particular region. Although the exact cause is not known kidney stone, is likely if the urine becomes too concentrated and substances-substances in the urine form crystals in the stone. The cause is infection, the obstruksi, sekresi excess hormone paratiroid, asidosis on tubulus kidney, increased muscle acid content (usually along with joint inflammation), damage from the metabolism of some material in the body, too much vitamin D or occupy too much eating calcium .
Although the large stone and the location varies, pain caused by obsruksi is a main symptom. A large stone with a rough surface into the ureter akan increase the frequency and force contraction ureter automatically. Pain starting from the waist down to the pinggul, and genitals to the outside. Pain intensity and pain fluctuates the extraordinary summit of the pain. When the stone is in the urn, and in the kidney calix, pain intensity and less settled. Lumbago which occurs when a stone obstruksi is in the kidney. Meanwhile, severe pain that occurs in the stomach when a stone has been moved to the ureter. Nausea and vomiting always follow a heavy pain. People with kidney stones sometimes also experience hot, cold, the blood in the urin when traumatic ureter stones, distensi stomach, pus in the urine.
How diagnosisnya? Doctor asks symptoms experienced, and then perform the test as follows:
1.Foto X-ray of the kidney, ureter, bladder, and to show the existence of kidney stones.
2.Ultrasound kidney, is a test noninvasif whose high-frequency waves akan obstruksi and detect changes.
3.Pemberian intravena coloring substances and the scan confirmed the diagnosis and give determine the size and location of kidney stones.
4.Analisis stone for the mineralnya womb.
5.Analisis urine culture to show the type of bacteria causes infection, and others.
Prevent and treat
How is it treated? Because 90% of kidney stones berdiameter less than 5 mm, usually given enough water from the plant Desmodium stew stryracifulium and was drinking 6 - 8 glasses of water per day, were given antibiotics to prevent infection, and pain medication subtrahend. In general, the stone will come out within 5 - 10 days.
When the stone is too large to be removed naturally, surgery can be done. When the stone is in the ureter, sistoskopi can be used through uretra and manipulated with kateter stone. Expenditure from other areas of stone (in the calix and pelvis) requires the operation of the side or the bottom of the stomach. Procedure called percutaneus ultrasonic lithotripsy and extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy akan disintegrate kidney stones into small fragments, so that can be issued with a natural or inhalation.
For the prevention of kidney stones, it is often drinking water plants, Desmodium stryracifolium stew, or reduce the recommended eating calcium, are given medication to prevent the formation of acid rock fiber, vitamin C and acidity to give the urine. When the gland paratiroid also including the causes, the doctor will recommend action paratiroidektomi (gland paratiroid appointed).
Prognosisnya: kidney stone symptoms often cause great pain, but are usually issued after the damage is not permanent. Indeed, more frequent recurrence, particularly when the cause is not found and treated.
1. Recrudesce kidney stones.
2. Channel urine infection.
3. Stoppage in the ureter.
4. Part of the network kidney damage.
5. The decrease or loss of kidney function is affected.
(dr. Drs. Hadipratomo Y, undergraduate biology and general practitioners).
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