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Impact and Influence of the Sleep Health

. Senin, 13 April 2009
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ALL living things need a rest after the activities / events. Because the activity of living cells using the network, so that damage will occur on the network, so living things need to rest to repair the damage.

Sleep on this, there is no strict and rigid rules imposed, bed rest because this depends on the age, type of work, each individual temperamen. Babies and children need more sleep than adults. On people who already was in fact require more rest than the actual sleep. During the lie they use more time to change-change position to sleep alone. People who work with the brain / mind need more sleep than the people who work with the physical. As a measure, healthy adults who work with and a lot of brain / mind should sleep for seven hours. Night is the best time to sleep. This problem is not the only habit that people who work in the afternoon will be sleeping at night, but the natural look that afternoon more suited to work at night and used to rest / sleep.

Sleep affects the body metabolism and stimulate asimilasi power. That is if sleep berlama-old is not even healthy, because our bodies absorb / mengasimilasi waste steam and steam-dirty again, so that when we sleep we run the result is not a fresh, vibrant, but even loyo. Recommended for up-lapse interval (period) activity and rest became shorter. The best example is what is done by the Prophet Muhammad SAW, he does not usually go to bed too night and wake up some time after the middle of the night to perform prayers tahajud, some time before the next day noon while he was sleeping.

Are also some scientific research has proven, less sleep or even most sleep, the risk of heart health. Thereby revealed the results of research involving 72,000 people as a nurse samplingnya Women who sleep less than 5 hours each night, in fact have higher risk of 39% affected by heart disease compared with women who sleep 8 hours. Meanwhile, women who slept less than 6 hours have a higher risk of 18% is exposed to arterial sumbatan.

While those who slept nine hours or more, is estimated to have a higher risk of 37% is exposed to heart disease. "People should start to think that the number of hours of sleep just is not an excessive, but as a healthy lifestyle," said Dr. Najib Ayas, sleep specialist aberration Harvard graduate, who now works at Brigham and hospitals (Hospital) in Boston woman, who is also the location of research, such as AP news agency cited.

In research published Monday in Mondays Archives of Internal Medicine is known that one of three U.S. sleep too much. Also estimated, the results of this research also applies to men.

A good position to sleep
Bedroom lie with the recumbent position is less healthy, because the press or tighten the backbone, and even sometimes can cause us to want to toilet / WC, is also prone to sleep or lie face is not practical for respiratory. Many sleep on the left side of the body (the left) can disrupt our health, because the sandwich so that the heart of disturbed blood circulation and reduce blood supply to the brain. If this happens we will experience the dreams melt sad, bad dream / sinister (nightmares), even in sleep walking (somnabulisme). Best sleeping position according to the science is on the right side of the body (the right). This fact has been tested through a modern medical research to prove that the length of the teachings of Islam that revelation is, as Prophet Muhammad SAW recommend to the pursuer he lie down to sleep on the side of the right. Arranged in a position to sleep in order to head to the North and South lead to foot, so the body does not reject the current / magnetic fields sekujur constant flow through the body from the magnetic North Pole to the South and the 'connected' to smooth our nerve system.

Please note and remember in connection with this phenomenon to sleep, that is if there is a desire, intention, ideas in the mind before sleeping, then things are gravitate latent in the unconscious through the night and we unwittingly affect the mind and action us. For example, if a child sleeps in a state of weeping, then, in general, when the child is awake he will be crying again. Furthermore, if a baby falls asleep while milk suck, it will also make a similar movement when awakened. Therefore, we recommended directing attention before we sleep on matters related to the moral and spiritual.

Prophet Muhammad Saw enjoin Muslims to read and ponder the verses of the Qur'an, the verse, and three seats from the last letter of the Qur'an before sleeping. Verses are not to be spoken, such as spell-spell or incantation. As known, these verses are a lot of talk about the greatness and beauty of nature-the nature of God, and this will give the impression that in the natural and strong in our minds. Contemplate divine nature and will be raised to clean and get the spiritual protection of Allah against all temptations Satan and things harmful. Practices like this if we are conducted with good will become a major source of moral strength. Not advisable to sleep immediately after dinner. There are old proverb says: "Walk as far as 1 mile after dinner, Reach for the good forever." Islam also recommend us to a special run Isya prayers in congregation in the mosque. This command is good for the soul as well as sport.

Difficult to sleep or sleep with the poor quality often also the cause of hysteria or insanity. Therefore it is important to get a good rest at night. Could be difficult to sleep with a motive to lie. And to be able to help you get a good night sleep. Following 10 steps you can take.

- Bathroom hot water.
"Warm water bath before bed can help sleep," said Paul Martin, author a new book Counting Sleep.

- Stay on the bed the same time.
Experts believe sleep to go to bed and wake up at the same time on a regular basis is essential for healthy sleep.

- Drink warm milk before bed.
Susu warm drink can encourage drowsiness because milk contains elements incentive drowsiness. - Avoid drinking too much alcohol.

- Buy a new bed.
If the bed you are more than 10 years old, consider replacement. Structure of the bed akan worsened to 70 percent that causes sleep disturbances and possible spinal damage.

- Relationships sex.
If you stress, worry, or just can not sleep, do have sex. There is strong scientific evidence, orgasme push out endorphins, a brain chemical that is released to act as effective painkiller.

- Try to read the novel.

- Writing tasks day tomorrow.
Dibading you spend the night mengkhwatirkan duty day tomorrow, you should write a list of tasks in mind, so that the brain is able to rest at night. This prevents the brain active and stop kekhwatiran throughout the night.

- Avoid eating before bed.
Eating late at night can stimulate digestion, keep you awake all night. Paul Martin Menutut digestion can increase body temperature and make the body and brain work.

- Sleeping in a room dark and quiet.
To ensure a long night sleep and not subject to, try to sleep in the dark or with lights that are not too bright because the sleep hormone akan issued during brain for hours in the dark even if you middle awake. (Herni Andriani, S.Pd. / various sources)

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