Baby born in a premature age of the pregnancy if the mother is less than 37 days, while the birth is considered normal if the pregnancy reaches the age of 37-40 weeks. Child Specialist Doctors Perinatologi field, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, Rinawati Rohsiswatmo, say, a baby born at the age of pregnancy (period gestasi) 24 days is considered reasonable life .. of course with the help of technology and the cost is very high, said Rinawati. Determining the condition of the baby is not enough based on the age of the pregnancy. Weight infants at birth should also be considered. There are babies born premature, but the body weight is two kilograms. This we consider safe, said Rinawati.
Each category requires different treatment. If the body weight more than two kilograms, the baby can usually return home no illness penyulit. Body weight is equivalent to the age of 34 weeks of pregnancy, in which the baby has a reflex pattern isap and breath regularly.
The baby, who was born with a body weight below 1.8 kilograms need special medical care of children. Body weight is equivalent to the age of pregnancy of less than 34 weeks. In this situation the baby has not yet conditioned isap and sometimes forget to breathe.
Before returned, premature babies must be able to be actively drinking. However, that is not less important, according to Rinawati, mental readiness of parents caring for premature babies. Usually parents who have premature babies dihinggapi excessive worries and panic.
At the time of treatment at home, premature babies need to be to stay warm. The provision of water susu ibu (ASI) or susu formula for premature infants should not too much. According to the literature, premature babies can only be susu 10-30 cc per kilogram body weight per day. This is because premature babies are still experiencing interruption in the absorption system.
Another thing to note is the flower growing baby. Growing bulge in the sense of weight, body length, and head circumference. Parents should guide abilities and motor development of children so that verbalnya not too late. Parents must also strive not to be exposed to children with the disease vaccination.
Pregnancy risk premature, especially those with birth weight less than 1.5 kilograms, a lot of risk. Because blood vessel in the head is still fragile, the baby will experience bleeding in the head.
Blood vessel on the retina are still fragile. As a result, the baby experienced bleeding in the eye retina. Bleeding occurs when the baby gets oxygen assistance. On the one hand, the baby needs oxygen, but on the other hand, oxygen can cause bleeding in the retina. If not treated quickly, this can cause blindness, said Rinawati.
Baby also damaged intestine because its establishment is not yet perfect. Therefore, provision must be susu hati.Risiko that must be faced is the heart of leakages. According to some health literature, some babies who can be helped too have a disability, such as the blind, the squint-eyed, idiot, and defects in the foot.
Source: Kompas Cyber Media
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