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Fish oil is not heart attacks medicine

. Rabu, 01 April 2009
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BEIJING, Your routine mengonsumsi fish oil pills do not disappointed, yes. News following the pill for you. Pill said fish oil does not reduce the risk of heart attack. Pil-pil is not a means for the patient's heart disease, so the study in Germany.

The conference broadcast on Monday in the American College of Cardiology, try to test a daily dose of 1 gram of fat globule berasam Omega-3 to that rarefied level is high.

"Fat good" is found in fatty fish in particular which is estimated to help heart disease patients.

Some researchers, led by Dr. Jochen Senges from the University of Heidelberg to give fish oil capsule or imitation to more than 3800 people who suffered heart attack in the previous two weekends.

Some 90 percent of them have received all the recommended drugs to prevent a second attack jatung, including aspirin, anti-coagulation drugs and blood cholesterol.

One year later, no visible difference whether the patient is consuming fish oil capsule or imitation. In both groups, less than 2 percent had experienced a sudden heart attack and death, 4 percent had heart attacks, and less than 2 percent of the stroke.

If the patient is experiencing a new heart attack treatment that have got better, "almost nothing you can do better, above all in order to further reduce risk," said Senges.

Version of the prescribed and used in the study, which is sold with the trademark Omacor and Lovaza in the United States and is known by the name Zodin in Europe, is a form of standard fish oil capsule that has been rarefied, is different from what most consumers bought freely.

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