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Sate Causes Cancer?

. Sabtu, 18 April 2009
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Food that is burned can cause cancer, what is? According to some research, there are two types of compound that causes cancer can form during food toaster, namely polisiklik aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and amino heterosiklik (HCA).

PAH (mainly benzopiren) in the form of smoke and found in the surface of the meat, but can be easily cut off the surface with pengerikan food baked or burned.

HCA is found in meat. HCA is caused when the meat is cooked in high temperatures, which can occur when food fried, baked, or burned.

But do not worry, if your fans sate, grilled fish or barbecue, you can minimize the risk of exposure to the cancer process the meat properly. There are some important tips when baking foods.

1. Before burnt or roasted, first rendam in flavor to the meat. This will make the meat more tender so that it reduces the time toaster.

2. Or, you can also cook beforehand to make it more easy memanggangnya. The process also aims concoction of fat so that when baked, will be less fat and that will cause smoke that can be dangerous.

3. Often distort so that the meat does not burn.

4. Do not cook directly on charcoal.

5. Remove the meat because that become scorched.

Source: SuaraMerdeka

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