Sausage is a food that is foreign in the familiar life of the Indonesian people because it's tasty. However, behind the comfort food that is rich in this vitamin, are fat and high cholesterol can disrupt health. Therefore, caution mengonsumsi sausage.
Food is made from meat or fish that have been chopped and mashed, given the ingredients, put in the selonsong elliptical symmetrical, both made from animal gut and of creating artificial (casing). Sausage is also known under the name of the city or region that produces, such as Berliner (Berlin), braunscheiger (Braunshweig), Genoa salami (Genoa), and others.
Sausage is one of the processed meat product that is tune in Indonesia since 1980. Sausage term derived from the Latin, the salsus, which means salt. This refers to the meaning or discount debris that preserved meat with penggaraman.
Type of sausage
Kramlich (1971) divide the sausage into six classes. Meanwhile, Forrest et al (1975) divide the sausage into six categories based on the method used by the making of the factory, namely: fresh sausage, smoked sausage, not cooked, smoked-cooked sausage, cooked sausage, sausage fermentation, and minced meat cooked.
Fresh sausage made from fresh meat that is not dikuring. Penguringan is a way of processing the meat by adding some material such as natrium klorida salt (NaCl), natrium-nitrit, natrium-nitrate, sugar, and spices. Fresh sausage is not cooked before, and usually not smoked, so that before consumption, fresh sausage should be cooked
Cooked sausage made from meat that has been dikuring before grinding. This type of cooked sausage, and usually smoked. Simpannya power longer than fresh sausage. For example, the Frankfurter and the hot dog.
View from the type of meat, sausage can consist of several kinds of beef sausage, chicken sausage, pork and sausage. Lately goat meat has also been used as a raw material for the making of sausage. In Bali, the famous sausage casing wrapped with pig intestine. Sausage is called the order
Components it
The main components consist of sausage meat, fat, and water. In addition, the sausage is also added additional materials such as salt, phosphate, preservative (usually nitrit / nitrate), dye, acid askorbat, isolat protein and carbohydrate.
Fat is often added to the making of sausage maker as the active surface, preventing pengerutan protein, consistent set of products, improve the taste, and prevents denaturasi protein.
The addition of salt in the sausage making aims to improve the taste, the developer of meat protein, meat protein solvent, fastening the capacity of water (= water holding capacity WHC), and as a preservative. The addition of phosphate akan together with the salt to increase the WHC sausage.
Without salt and phosphate, will be difficult for the sausage is made. Acid askorbat often added in the form of askorbat acid and natrium askorbat to help milking the meat. In addition, askorbat acid also function as antioxidants so that product can not be easily rancid.
To mensubtitusi meat, on the making of sausage often isolat added protein. In addition, at the making of sausage also added carbohydrate as a sausage.
Preservative and Dyes
In the making of sausage, a preservative often used is nitrit. Summary antibakteri nitrit have been tested and was effective to prevent the growth of botulinum bacteria Clostiridium, known as pathogenic bacteria cause food poisoning. Nitrit can hamper growth and development of botulinum spore Clostiridium, Clostiridium perfringens, and Stapylococcus aureus in processed meat.
Besides as a preservative, the function of adding nitrit scabby flesh in the process is to obtain a stable red color. Nitrit akan unravel into nitrit oxide, which will react with mioglobin form nitrosomioglobin.
Although nitrit as a food additive to provide many benefits, in fact from various studies have demonstrated that nitrit can nitrosamin form of toksik and karsinogenik. Nitrosodimetilamin resultant nitrit can cause damage to the heart and are strong karsinogen the tumor can trigger the disease in several mouse organs experiment.
Type of preservative and the maximum dose allowed in the sausage is based on SNI 01-0222-1995 sulfur dioxide (450 mg / kg), potassium nitrate (500 mg / kg), potassium nitrit (125 mg / kg), natrium nitrate (500 mg / kg), and natrium nitrit (125 mg / kg). Type of dye used in the sausage is eritrosin and allura red, each with a maximum level 300 mg / kg.
Type of Casing
There are three types of case which is often used in making sausage, which is natural, collagen, and cellulose. Natural casing is usually made of natural animal gut. Casing has eaten can benefit, high-nutrient, and inherent in the product. Losses of this case is not durable product.
Collagen casing is usually based on raw materials from the skin of animals. The advantage of using this case is can be colored, can be eaten, and attached to the product. Casing is usually based on standard cellulose pulp. Benefits of cellulose casing is printed or can be colored and cheap. Cellulose casing is very hard and it is recommended not to eat.
When this has been developed poly amid casing, the casing is made of plastic. This type of casing can not be eaten, can be made porous or not, shape and size can be managed, resistant to heat, and can be printed.
Value Nutrition
Sausage are processed meat products which have high nutritional value. Sausage nutrient composition varies, depending on the type of meat used and the processing process.
Products processed sausage rich energy and can be used as a source of carbohydrate. In addition, the sausage is also a womb cholesterol and sodium that is high enough, so that potentially cause heart disease, stroke, hypertension, and if consumed excessively.
Terms of sausage based on the quality of Indonesian National Standard (SNI 01-3820-1995) are: water content maximum 67 percent, 3 percent maximum ash, protein at least 13 percent, maximum 25 percent fat, carbohydrate, and a maximum of 8 percent.
In fact, a lot of sausage in the market that has a nutrient composition is below the standard set. This shows the amount of meat or the use of less material composition does not match the standard sausage.
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