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Prevent kidney stones, liquids Fair Needs

. Jumat, 03 April 2009
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most prominent is the kidney stone-related pain is incredible. This is the stone that clog ureter. If not treated can trek to the kidney damage.

To detect kidney stones required thorough examination. Handling can be through the provision of drugs, but that the main goal is to ensure that the stone can go out by itself. This stone can be very small seukuran sugar until of diamonds. However, the average berdiameter less than 6 millimeter so that by itself can be brought out in urine.

If after dirangsang drugs never out of stone, the patient usually akan dibius, then enter a kind of medical equipment that will be a small stone in the channel and chew up. Occasionally in some cases, doctors do noninvasif therapy with shock waves, or to perform surgery (minimal invasive surgery).

Child specialist doctor at once urologi from Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles Dr. Barry Duel, disclose, kidney stones can be a marker of metabolic disturbances result in excessive calcium deposition in the urine. Given that metabolic disturbances can prevent children grow flowers, American Academy of Pediatrics recommend that children with kidney stones to do the test body metabolism in the laboratory.

In children, kidney stone that is most precipitation calcium so that calcium is often called the stone. This is what often occurs in children who frequently consume high-salt food berkadar.

Director of Clinical Disorders of Mineral dislocated and Children's Mercy Hospital in Kansas, Dr. Uri Alon, remind, eating patterns and poor children are not drinking enough water offset white they increase the risk of infected kidney stones.

In other words, the diligent and white drinking water is the most common ways of prevention and simple. "Prevention is the best to drink lots of water so that mineral can be dissolved in the urine," expert advice urologi origin Loyola, Dr. David Hatch.

The amount of water that must be drunk adjusted age and weight of children. For children aged on average 10 years, for example, ranges from 4 glasses per day. Children a more active course require more fluid Feed again.

"I shout to the children to drink enough water to keep the water clear still art," a Hatch.

For children with kidney stones, doctors sometimes also recommend that the water perasan orange or lemon juice fresh oranges that can help prevent the formation of

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