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Why Drink Milk?

. Senin, 13 April 2009
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Although it has many benefits, but many people are reluctant to drink milk. This is seen from the lack of milk consumption in Indonesia per year. One of the reasons for the often high prices is dikemukan susu. For the price susu, susu in fact there are many costs that have been adjusted. And remember that many nutrition dikandungnya, then embed that is needed is awareness susu akan benefits that people can consume and is not considered as expensive.

Other reason is not like drinking because it makes susu nausea or stomach ache after drinking milk. If you have stomach ache after drinking milk, you're suffering from intolerance laktosa. The laktase because of lack of production in the body. Laktase is the enzyme that produced the small intestine to function laktosa a split in order to susu absorbed by the body. But for people with intolerance laktosa, laktosa fission process does not take place so perfect laktosa not tercena akan entry in the large intestine and digested by the bacteria is in causing flatulence, contains a lot of gas, and diarrhea.

As a solution of the feelings of nausea or stomach ache, you can replace with susu susu processed products such as cheese, yoghurt, ice cream, or susu susu evaporasi that does not contain soy laktosa. Some manufacturers also have made susu susu without laktosa that can be consumed by pendeita "laktosa intolerance."

If you want to consume milk, you should not use the thick sweet susu susu because this type of uterus nutrisinya lower due process pembuatannya also contain fat and sugar that are less good for the body. Consumption susu 3 is the recommended daily portion. One portion is 250 ml susu is the equivalent of 35 grams of cheese or 200 grams or 200 grams of yoghurt ice cream. So, there is no reason for you not to drink susu not it?

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