Cycle biological make women more vulnerable than men fell ill anemia. Unfortunately many women tend to ignore this disease.Anemia or blood disease less often seen as a disease that is not dangerous. Usually in the mild, anemia often does not cause interference means. That makes it likely to be ignored. In fact, if left berlarutlarut, anemia not only decrease the quality of life, can also bring death.
The women now have to be more vigilant. For, a disease marked by symptoms of headache is more often the woman.
Monthly menstruation, birth process, and excessive diet, a higher-up the incidence of anemia in women. However be pitied really, a lot of women think little of this disease. Moreover, in the light.
Data from the Health Office of the Republic of Indonesia in 1992, anemia in Indonesia is still a public health problem affecting productivity penderitanya. The maternal death rate in this country reached 390/100 thousand live births. The data from the World Health Organization (WHO), 20 percent of the 515,000 deaths worldwide due to anemia.
To menangkalnya, the women must be more mengonsumsi foods that contain iron. "Needs and spare iron for women is 1 mg / day. Meanwhile, pregnant women to reach 6-10 mg / day, the needs of iron for pregnant women increased by concomitant increase in the amount of fluid in the body," said Department of gynecology and Obstetri University Faculty of Medicine indonesia, RSU dr dr Jakarta Cipto Mangunkusumo Junita Indarti SpOG.
Another thing that makes women more exposed to risk of anemia is menstruasi or menstrual cycles that are not normal. Menstruasi menstrual cycle or the normal range is between 22-35 days counted from the first day of menstruation until the first day of menstruation in the following month. "Old menstruasi which is normal between 3-7 days. If the bandage is spent in the period between 3-5 hours per bandage or about 80 ml of blood during menstruation," called Juanita.
According to Juanita, menstruasi cycle that is not normal and to be triggered as the occurrence of anemia hipermenorhea (period is longer and more of the number of normal) or more than eight days. Polimenorhea or shorter menstrual cycles (less than 21 days) and metrorhagia bleeding outside the time period that can be caused by deviation or aberration organic functional.
Maternal mortality is still very besar.1 hours, 2 mothers died due to bleeding, cramps, infection, or miscarriage abortus and labor that jammed.
Anemia Junita go, give a bad influence on women. Moreover, in the case of women being pregnant. They can even cause abortus or miscarriage, premature birth, childbirth is not long because the uterus contraction, post-birth bleeding, shock due to blood that exit, at the time of infection or after childbirth and is the most severe heart failure can cause. "Failed heart new will happen if a woman on his Hb was less than on the size of the 4gr/dl," a Junita.
Senada with Junita, Staffs Medical Oncology Hematologi-RSU dr Cipto Mangunkusumo Dr SP Cosphiadi Irawan K Hum PD, said that the biggest and most patients are women. "Anemia is a condition in which someone has a hemoglobin or Hb less than normal. Hb itself is part of the elements of the human body that function to carry oxygen throughout the body and anemia is not the same as low blood pressure," said Dr SP Cosphiadi PD Irawan K Hum .
Added Cosphiadi Irawan, blood hemoglobin level between men and women is not the same. Men have a normal degree gr 13 percent, while women and elderly have the normal 12 percent gr. For pregnant women, the changes will occur in the blood hemoglobin trisemester pregnancy. "Three weeks have the first woman gr Hb 11.5 percent, the second three months to 11 gr per cent three months and three percent to 10 gr. That's because the body produces a lot of women to fetal fluid,"
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