Having Cold! We certainly are not foreign to this vocabulary. In fact, you may peruah mengalaminya. Step it simple. Purchase of cheaper drugs, kerokan, hot ginger drink, or eat hot food berkuah nan pedal.
During the rainy season like now, this disease attacks the human lot. Symptoms generally: body meWadi not comfortable with the kembung stomach. In fact, not the impossible body feels pangs fell dizzy aka-cold. Sometimes these symptoms with muscle pains, headache, sore throat, sneezing, sneezing, runny nose and cough up.
Variations in symptoms that are often seen as cold. "Usually when incoming wind power to decrease the body," teaching Budiasti help, a doctor's Hang Lekiu Clinic, South Jakarta.
However, sejatinya, medical science did not know the term cold. Despite that, doctors generally know what they mean when patients complain attack cold. "Log In wind vocabulary that is created in the community," exclamation nella Suhuyanly, medical specialist in diseases of the Omni Hospital.
Of medical glass eyes, the various symptoms of a cold that usually befall people dispepsia. Dispepsia the inconvenience, and even painful, the alimentary tract, especially the top. Symptoms are pain in the heart Ulu with nausea, vomiting, bloating or stomach feel full, puffed, burp continuously, stomach feels full or alias stomach rumbling (borborgygmi), plus many windiness.
In the adolescent age children, dispepsia generally happens in spite of food because of the delay time has arrived dining. As a result, the acid in the volume. side of improvement. "If this happens again can cause damage to the alimentary tract wall," said nella.
While for most people, going dispepsia immunity or because the body resistance is very low. As a result, the body not to be in shape. Generally this happens because the body kecapekan. "At the time such as this, and many viruses enter the body," help supplement. Then this is the virus that causes the emergence dispepsia.
Waspadai 'sits the wind'
When conditions in the body drop, word help, virus or microorganisms which size is smaller than the bacteria that enter the body can not be killed by antibiotics of the natural body. The virus was then the body to cause dispepsia.
Unfortunately, this virus can take the cold over-time. At the time of the cold, the body of an alias vasokontriksi saving calories that the body feels warm. Consequently, if patients drop, the body can not function to remove waste from the remains of metabolism that should be out in the body. "In conditions like this is any kind of disease can be symptoms of early entry, including a cold," teaching Sapawati Bardosono, doctors from the Department of Nutrition, University of Indonesia.
If the body can not reject the virus attack at this stage, usually dispepsia akan berlagjut a disease cough or flu. Moreover, cold weather in general also lead to hair in the respiratory tract in slow motion. "This delay resulted in the mucus or the virus can not be out of the body," Sapawati teaching. If that happens, be prepared exposed to cold and cough attacks.
However, you need to cautious dispepsia which accompanied the emergence of a lot of sweat and pain in the chest. The general public "sit down wind." In fact this acute coronary heart attacks. "Can cause death in 15 to 30 seconds," Mulyadi teaching, doctor's clinics Medizone. If that happens, of course there is no other way except to contact a doctor as soon as possible.
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