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TheRisk of Vegetarian Eating Disorders

. Senin, 06 April 2009
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Vegetarian is a pengonsumsi for food from plants which include vegetables, grains, nuts, and fruits. Lifestyle non-meat is not something new.

Outside the benefits of positive, vegetarian diet has a dark side. Research the latest reported cases of interference to eat higher on the anti-meat of this. Many factors that motivate a person live without consumption materials become vegetarian animal alias.

Some common reasons include factors in the health, religious, moral, cultural, environmental, aesthetic, and taste. At the present time, the reason seems most mengemuka health trends over healthy food and community awareness akan maraknya disease caused by unhealthy eating patterns. In addition, dozens of young people age is generally a matter of attention to the physical appearance also many who try, try to be vegetarian, with the hope of avoid obesity.

However, a recent study published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association reported that the April edition of the case number eating disturbances (eating disorder) two times higher in teenagers or young adults, a former vegetarian and vegetarian people compared to the nonvegetarian.

They are also more difficult to control body weight, through diet pills, medicines laksatif and diuretik, or how extreme regurgitate the food back ditelannya. "This is the dark side of the vegetarian," commented the director of the Center for Disease Prevention at the Yale University Medical School, Dr David L Katz.

The research says, dozens of young people age more prone to crash a meal, and it simply does not vegetarian because the pattern itself, but other factors that come from the environment. For example, the claim appears beautiful with the weight to stay slim.

Well, one alternative that is telling them the value of a vegetarian, then that would not bring benefits for health. Katz menuturkan, known as a vegetarian or plant based diet (vegetables and fruit), can be recommended only for adolescents.

"However, if the youth decide to become a vegetarian yourself, it is important to search out motivasinya. So he could do so only because you want to berdiet rather than for the purpose of health," he said.

It is important to remember that the vegetarian diet will bring health benefits if done with balance. A number of research prove, vegetarian adolescents have a lower risk of obesity compared to colleagues that eater sebayanya all (omnivora). Blood pressure and cholesterol are also better. "Eat more vegetables and fruit for good health, and better than a typical American diet," he said.

Head of the research team from the Department of Nutrition Sciences in the College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University in St Joseph, Ramona Robinson-O? Brien, p. tersebut.Ia agree with each other, the majority of teenagers and young adults at this time quoting the benefits from improvements in the pattern , including vegetarian diet.

"Unfortunately, at this time many of the vegetarian food to crash risk, former vegetarian, and also increased the risk of difficulties mengendali a heavy body," he said.

In research, the Robinson-O'Brien and his team collected data from 2516 adolescents and young adults who participated in the research, called Project Eat-II:

Eating Among Teens.Peneliti group participants into three groups, namely group 1 (the vegetarian), group 2 (a former vegetarian), and group 3 (nonvegetarian). Participants also divided into two age groups, namely young people (15-18 years) and young adults (19-23 years). Next, each participant asked in regard to eating disturbances, whether they had difficulty controlling the pattern, eat, and whether they are a way to control the extreme weight loss.

Approximately 21 percent of teenagers had a vegetarian that weight control program that is not healthy, compared to 10% in teenagers who nonvegetarian. Meanwhile, the young adult participants, 27% in the number of former vegetarian, 16% in the vegetarian, and 15% in the nonvegetarian.

In the adolescent, eating disturbances and eating patterns are not found as much as 21 percent in the vegetarian group, 16 percent of the former vegetarian, and only 4 percent of those who nonvegetarian. Similarly in the young adult participants, 18 percent in the number vegetarian, 9 percent in the former vegetarian, and 5 percent on nonvegetarian.

In conclusion, young adults tend to be vegetarian is easier to overweight or Obesity compared nonvegetarian. Meanwhile, the youth, was not found statistically significant differences in body weight is a problem. Robinson-O'Brien stressed the importance of the role of parents and experts in nutrition guide embed vegetarian diet on the right and healthy, as well as information related to the risk of this vegetarian diet.

"Furthermore, there may need to anamnesa (frequently asked questions) about the motivation someone choose vegetarian diet. And if you or your doctor find someone to crash a meal, should not history have asked a vegetarian diet," he suggested.

Dimintai comment on aspects of vegetarian nutrition, clinical nutrition specialist Melinda's Hospital Bandung, dr John C Mnd SpGK, disclose, which is the vegetarian eggs and susu mengonsumsi generally not problematic.

While the vegan (pure vegetarian), the first problem was suspected to have lack of essential amino acids, especially the chain 7 and 8. In fact, this lack of oxygen can cause the body's immunity is weak, the skin is not healthy, and terganggunya growth (in children).

"It was first suspected, but now many children who sedari small vegetarian.Lagi also true we can menyintesa body amino acid. Only, still need to be a lot of Feed protein. Apart from the know and Tempe, recommended mengonsumsi 12 types of kacangkacangan per day," he said. (Koran SI / SI Koran / jri)

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